wows new orleans

Which shell types do you all recommend? I feel like the HE has strong penetration against battleships and because i have demo expert on the 10 point captain the fire chance is also very high. However the AP is also quite solid, and I'm torn between the two. Anyway, I’m outfitting NO, and am wondering which upgrade to put in slot 2. You just need to HIDE!

You need to play a total of 10 battles to post in this section. Whether you’re going on a quick trip or are working long days, trust Camp Bow Wow® for all your dog care needs. She does poorer up-tiered than light cruisers of the same tier like the Helena, Boise. 他画像. Taking into account her limited displacement, the ship boasted a successful balance of armament, protection and speed. New Orleans; 70.8% win rate, 50.2k average damage, 1.4k average Xp 48 battles to unlock the next ship. All rights reserved Trigger happy people will find out soon enough their playstyle won't work using this ship. Surveillance Radar Data. The first U.S. heavy cruiser of the new generation. Map awareness, and maximizing the ship’s concealment are the keys to playing this ship well. Last-modified: 2020-07-17 (金) 11:45:11 . This feature requires authentication with your account.

New Orleans out classes Yorck in the gunnery department by a mile. Ads = better and faster server, more data from game, more new features in the future. I Haven't Sold Her yet. I really enjoyed my time grinding the New Orleans once I had her fully upgraded. I have wanted to like this ship, but in practice she doesn't perform well in my hands; my average damage is very bad. As a general rule, I run hydro rather than DFAA, because you are far more likely to encounter DDs and cruisers who can launch torps and lay smoke in any given match, while CVs may not be in the match...but if n the last few days there have been more CVs, and I have had several 2-CV matches at T7 the last couple  nights... It really is not needed for Des reload so quickly that you can just shoot what's loaded and load the better type or recognize the opportunity is coming and reload in 5 seconds... I play New Orleans a fair amount, and perhaps I am making progress with her...I had a match in which I misplayed and got trapped by a Georgia without an escape route...I think he was as surprised as I was that I managed to take him down with me, with the last salvo exchange at less than 2000 km and I put a second full broadside into hit flat broadside for nine penetrations and three citadels..: HA! I sold that shitcan Pensacola after only one game in the NO and transferred the Captain over.

But just about everything can get a citadel hit. Jump to: navigation, search. © I managed to sink the Lexington...but what made my shake my head was the guy on the red team talking smack in chat about how pathetic the New Orleans player (me) and the Lexington player were.

Does this ship tend to lose it’s engine or its rudder more frequently? Not sure how useful the second FCS module is, as even the base fourteen-odd kilometer range tends to already be pushing how accurate the shells are out that far. The key difference from the preceding cruisers was her remarkably reinforced armor. Tier New Orleans — American Tier VII cruiser. Good rate of fire, can do a ton of damage! Definitely does better with standard battles, lacking the spam necessary for most half time or less Domination mode matches - don't think I've had an Epicenter with it yet though. However the AP is also quite solid, and I'm torn between the two. Sure, you lose a couple guns, but I honestly didn't even notice because these turn so fast that I'm firing with all of them more often. New Orleans has quite nice armor which can beutifully bounce other cruisers shells when angled. We only gain access to your nickname and account id. New Orleans. I don't claim to be unicum by any consider the source of this advice...but, as a general rule for USN CAs (and cruisers in general) you should be switching between HE and AP as appropriate. We ended up losing that game :(.