plant care app

• Watering and Fertilizing Schedules Set how often you need to care for each plant, and every time you open Droplet you will be greeted with a list of plants that… The app can also assist with caring for your garden, while tracking the growth of your flowers and plants. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at Add photos and short texts about your plants to see how they grow, remember when they flowered or just keep track of them. ‎Droplet offers a beautiful, elegant, and powerful plant-care experience, designed from the ground up to help you keep your plants alive. Plant Guide is your all-in-one app for discovering the world of plants. It comes from the British Geological Survey and enables you to check the soil in your local area, in terms of soil type, depth, pH, soil temperature and organic matter content.
Thanks to new plant recognition technology, the app promises instant answers to your questions.Gardenize helps you keep track of all the plants in your garden and offers information on how to care for them, including location, crop rotation, and yearly tracking of plants and crops. PlantCare es una aplicación (APP) de gran utilidad para smartphones y tabletas creada por la empresa tecnológica XG Innova. You can even ask the community to help you identify specific plants and rate other people’s gardens and check out the most beautiful ones out there if you seek more ideas. Water occupies 70% of our body weight. It lets you inventory and keep track of watering and fertilizing schedules, but it doesn’t provide any information about the plant - there is no database. android. ‎Florish is the complete indoor plant companion app, designed for those new to indoor gardening who may need help picking new plants for a space, or caring for the ones they already own. This app also identifies pests and has a robust Q&A section that covers more than 200,000 of the most common gardening queries. have fluctuated in a given period. Plants can be filtered by name, genus, family, or the user's location. Droplet - Plant Care has an average rating of 3.5. You can browse a timeline that shows you how much the light level, soil moisture etc. Vera: Plant Care App. Vera is a care management app for plants that makes tracking as fun as the care itself, so anyone can be a successful plant parent. Recent upgrades let you zoom in on plant cards and images in questions for easier horticultural identification, share a plant card, navigate to another member’s profile, and get updated search results, improved mapping, and more. 7. I like that u can take photos of the plants so over time u can see the progress. The new version lets you sign in via Google or Facebook.GrowIt allows you to join an enthusiastic community of gardeners, helping you to find inspiration, gather information, and share your own cultivations with the world. PlantCARE, a database of plant cis-acting regulatory elements and a portal to tools for in silico analysis of promoter sequences Magali Lescot, Patrice D hais, Gert Thijs, Kathleen Marchal, Yves Moreau, Yves Van de Peer, Pierre Rouz and Stephane Rombauts Nucleic Acids Res. (Free) WHY: Because being a plant parent can be hard and as much as you love them remembering to water your plants can be easy to forget. New versions have improved the interactivity of the care calendar so you can now tick off your tasks to give your plants the care they need.If you’re looking for a simple calendar for planting garden vegetables, accompanied by an assortment of practical hints and tips, then have a look at Gardenate. Helping you with identification, the app – first developed by the University of Maryland, Smithsonian Institute and Columbia University – contains lovely high-resolution images of leaves, flowers, fruits, petioles, seeds, and bark. Not only does the SmartPlant app help you identify plants but also provides a ‘Digital Care Calendar’ to reveal everything your garden, and the plants within it, need. Connecting with plant experts is a premium feature, but you do get free stuff both when you download the app and every month, so you can connect to the experts even without a monthly, quarterly, or annual premium account. The app also gives details of similar looking plants to give inspiration for your garden as well as care information. This app also features a guide of nearly 100 common types of garden plants, including how to care for them, when to plant, and the specific methods of care. Leafsnap This commenting section is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page. Country Living, Part of the Hearst UK Fashion & Beauty Network Plant Nanny 2 keeps track of how much water you drink – each glass also waters the app's plants so you both can thrive! I think that experience needs improvement.Overall, really great concept, but needs some fine tuning.I thought there’d be some help with my houseplants within this app. All in all though, this app is great.What more could you ask for?

Best plant identification app … Keeping a plant journal is a perfect way to see if your plant likes how you treat them Subscribe to Planta Premium for features such as Recommendations, Plant Identification, Plant care, Plant journal and Guides: 1 month: $7.99
SmartPlant – available on iOS and Android You can also search the encyclopedia, see what’s popular, and follow other gardeners when you find plants and gardens that you really like. All you have to do is upload a photo of the unknown plant, and other users on the app can help you work it out. Droplet - Plant Care has 2 user reviews. Garden Answers is an easy-to-use and incredibly popular identification app that can instantly define over 20,000 plants, coming with some very useful information. Take a snap of the plant you want to identify, press 'submit' and you'll have the answer.