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A herd of elephants along the Chobe River.

An urban agglomeration is defined as comprising the city or town proper and also the suburban fringe or thickly settled territory lying outside of, but adjacent to, the boundaries of the city. This entry is the stock of proved reserves of natural gas in cubic meters (cu m). This entry lists the most pressing and important environmental problems. Caption Brandberg means fire mountain in Africaans, Dutch, and German. 21 March 1990 (from South African mandate) This entry is the total amount of crude oil produced, in barrels per day (bbl/day). best method depends on your personal situation.

This entry provides the one- or two-character alphanumeric code indicating the nationality of civil aircraft. This entry provides a listing of languages spoken in each country and specifies any that are official national or regional languages. This entry provides an ordered listing of ethnic groups starting with the largest and normally includes the percent of total population.

Floods on the Zambezi occur when heavy rains fall on the wetlands in Angola and Zambia. The first, urban population, describes the percentage of the total population living in urban areas, as defined by the country. This entry gives an estimate of the percentage of adults (aged 15-49) living with HIV/AIDS. In some instances, the number of containers handled or ship visits were also considered.

This entry identifies the country's regional location, neighboring countries, and adjacent bodies of water. . Around the 14th century, immigrating The first Europeans to disembark and explore the region were the Portuguese navigators Most Africans were confined to so-called native territories, which under South African rule after 1949 were turned into "homelands" (During World War I, South African troops under General During the late 1950s and early 1960s, pressure for global decolonisation and national self-determination began mounting on the African continent; these factors had a radical impact on South West African nationalism. This entry gives the name of the seat of government, its geographic coordinates, the time difference relative to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and the time observed in Washington, DC, and, if applicable, information on daylight saving time (DST).
The quality of surveys is improving with time, yet caution is still necessary in making inter-country comparisons. The core characteristics and beliefs of the world's major religions are described below.

This entry lists a country's mineral, petroleum, hydropower, and other resources of commercial importance, such as rare earth elements (REEs). This entry furnishes the annual percent change in consumer prices compared with the previous year's consumer prices.

The International Labor Organization (ILO), the UN agency charged with addressing labor standards, employment, and social protection issues, estimated in 2011 that 20.9 million people worldwide were victims of forced labor, bonded labor, forced child labor, sexual servitude, and involuntary servitude. South Africa 27.1%, Botswana 14.9%, Switzerland 12%, Zambia 5.7%, China 4.6%, Italy 4.4% A pair of water buffalo.

. This entry gives GDP growth on an annual basis adjusted for inflation and expressed as a percent. This highly detailed true-color satellite image shows the stark eastern edge of the floodplain.