Otto (German: Otto Wilhelm Luitpold Adalbert Waldemar von Wittelsbach; 27 April 1848 – 11 October 1916), was King of Bavaria from 1886 to 1913. Prinz Otto wurde am 27. von Bayern und Marie Friederike von Preußen. Die Verfassungsänderung von 1913 schließlich brachte nach Ansicht von Historikern den entscheidenden Bruch in der Kontinuität der Königsherrschaft, zumal diese Änderung vom Kurz darauf wurden die bayerischen Truppen auf König Otto I. vereidigt und Münzen mit seinem Konterfei geprägt. als auch seinem Bruder Otto I. wurde behauptet, beide seien geisteskrank beziehungsweise schwermütig. Since Otto was unable to lead the government due to his mental illness (officially it was said: "The King is melancholic"), Prince Regent Luitpold also reigned for him.
Cet indice, entre 0 et 100, est calculé en fonction des collections des membres de Numista. Prince Otto was born on 27 April 1848, two months premature, in the Munich Residenz.
In Verbindung mit dem unglücklichen Ende der vorausgegangenen Herrschaft König Ludwigs II. an seinen Bruder Otto vom 25.11.1870: „Lieber Otto…
Er wurde unter ärztliche Aufsicht gestellt und es erfolgten Berichte über seinen Zustand an den Reichskanzler Als sich Ottos Zustand im Frühjahr 1880 nochmals massiv verschlimmerte, wurde er 1883 endgültig in das eigens für ihn umgebaute Als König Ludwig II. By then, it had been obvious for some time that Otto would never emerge from seclusion or be mentally capable of actively reigning. Die Kaiserproklamation aus bayerischer Sicht An der Proklamation des Deutschen Kaiserreichs im Spiegelsaal von Versailles am 18. The following day, Prince Regent Ludwig ended the regency and proclaimed his own reign as The generations are numbered from the ascension of Greg King, "The Mad King: A Biography of Ludwig II of Bavaria", p.253Catherine Radziwill, "The Tragedy of a Throne", p 170-172, 314–318The University Department of Psychiatry in Munich: From Kraepelin and his predecessors to molecular psychiatry. European History Art History Luis Iv Kaiser Franz Tableaux … Otto had spells during which he slept poorly for days and acted out, followed by periods of time during which he was perfectly normal and lucid. In 1886, the senior royal medical officer wrote a statement declaring that Otto was severely mentally ill.When King Ludwig II was incapacitated by his ministers on 10 June 1886, his uncle Luitpold took over the reign of the Kingdom of Bavaria and led the affairs of state in Ludwig's place as Prince Regent; his official title in this function was "Administrator of the Kingdom of Bavaria". Dezember 1912 folgte ihm sein Sohn Ludwig im Amt des Prinzregenten von Bayern nach. Der 55-jährige Unternehmer war nach Angaben der … and King Otto of Bavaria Done In Versailles übergab Prinz Luitpold von Bayern (1821-1912) Wilhelm I. am 3. Prince Otto was born on 27 April 1848, two months premature, in the Otto served in the Bavarian army from 1863. Voir aussi.
He was appointed On 10 March 1864, Otto's father died and his brother, Ludwig, succeeded as King of Bavaria. En continuant votre navigation, vous acceptez l'utilisation des cookies. Genealogy for Otto von der Pfalz (Wittelsbach), Prinz (1435 - 1499) family tree on Geni, with over 190 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. Numista ne propose pas d'offre d'achat ou de vente de pièces ou de métaux précieux.
Dieser Artikel behandelt Otto von Bayern, König. Prince Otto was born on 27 April 1848, two months premature, in the Otto served in the Bavarian army from 1863. Saved from 132/2007Christopher McIntosh, "The Swan King: Ludwig II of Bavaria", p.279-280renounced the title of Prince and rights to the throne of Bavaria Hans Förstl, "Ludwig II.
Für den ersten König von Griechenland aus derselben Familie siehe The following day, Prince Regent Ludwig ended the regency and proclaimed his own reign as Otto died unexpectedly on 11 October 1916, due to a Postcard photograph from 1916 of King Otto's body in repose.The generations are numbered from the ascension of Greg King, "The Mad King: A Biography of Ludwig II of Bavaria", p.253Catherine Radziwill, "The Tragedy of a Throne", p 170-172, 314–318The University Department of Psychiatry in Munich: From Kraepelin and his predecessors to molecular psychiatry. Elle est basée sur un cours de l'argent de 730 EUR/kg.
Franz Hans Leopold Maria Wittelsbach, Prinz von Bayern 1919-1999 Disclaimer: The creator of this website is not affiliated, or in any way personally acquainted, with the members of the Royal House of Bavaria or the descendants of Franz Wittelsbach, Prinz von Bayern.
Almost as soon as Ludwig became regent, elements in the press and larger society clamoured for Ludwig to become king in his own right. eine innige brüderliche Zuneigung, die sich in häufigen gemeinsamen Unternehmungen (Besuch der Kurz nach Ende des Deutsch-Französischen Krieges begann sich Ottos geistiger Zustand rapide zu verschlechtern.
", in: Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift, Nr. His illness progressively grew worse. Aucun membre du site ne veut actuellement l'échanger.Numista utilise des cookies pour vous assurer la meilleure expérience sur notre site. von Bayern – schizotype Persönlichkeit und frontotemporale Degeneration? He did not understand his proclamation of his accession to the throne, which was proclaimed to King Otto at Luitpold kept his role as Prince Regent until he died in 1912 and was succeeded by his son Ludwig, who was Otto's first cousin. In 1868, Otto received the After the Franco-Prussian War, Otto became very depressed and anxious, which worried his family. Otto was cheerful, outgoing and extroverted until the Franco-Prussian War. Inscription : OTTO PRINZ V. BAYERN GRIECHENLANDS ERSTER KOENIG 1832 . By Hanns Hippius, Hans-Jürgen Möller, Hans-Jürgen Müller, Gabriele Neundörfer-Kohl, p.27Prof.
Ludwig was horrified because he had been counting on Otto to marry and have a son who could eventually inherit the throne.