It is used in a legal context for such areas as warranty contracts from manufacturers, which usually stipulate that damage from wear and tear will not be covered. wear and tear phrase.
How to use wear and tear in a sentence. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free!Learn a new word every day. Delivered to your inbox!
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What does wear and tear expression mean? Wear and tear Letzter Beitrag: 08 Jul. Wear and tear is a car warranty industry term. A 2008-12-19: Thank you - so it is wear and tear! We explain all 【3371】I'm starting to feel a little wear and tear on my body. A 2009-01-06: causes wear and tear? 英文契約書を作成,チェック(レビュー/審査),翻訳(英訳/和訳),修正する際によく登場する英文契約書用語に, 販売店契約(Distribution/Distributorship Agreement)などでは,売主が販売店(Distributor)に対し, 例えば,売主は,販売店(Distributor)に対し,商品が仕様書に合致し,欠陥がないことを,販売店(Distributor)への商品の引き渡し後1年間は保証するなどと契約書では定められます。 普通に使っていても劣化するのが避けられないとすると,それは欠陥(Defect)や保証違反とは言えませんので,それらは買主の負担とするわけです。 機械などは,どうしてもマニュアルどおりに使用していても,使用し続けることにより劣化してくるものです。 そのため,通常使用による摩耗(Wear and tear)のレベルについては,保証の対象外とすることがあるのです。 もちろん,別途保守契約を締結して,有償で経年劣化による摩耗についても補修・メンテナンスの対象にすることもあります。 要するに,無償にて売主が対応する範囲には含めず,もし対応を買主が求めるのであれば別途費用が発生するということにするわけです。 保証期間(Warranty period)や,どういう内容が保証の対象とされているのかなど,保証に関する規定は誤解することなく明確に契約書に規定しておく必要があります。 Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "wear and tear parts" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. It's something you need to check is included in any warranty you purchase - also what is meant by wear & tear and how long you have to wait to be covered. Wear and tear definition is - the loss, injury, or stress to which something is subjected by or in the course of use; especially : normal depreciation. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.
09, 18:01 I'm just about to list a camera lens on ebay and want to say that 'the lens body shows small… 2 Antworten wear-and-tear - Abnutzungs-Letzter Beitrag: 06 Aug. 11, 11:29 The wear :体に多少ガタが来ていることを実感し始めてるよ 【フレーズ】I'm starting to feel a little wear and tear on my body.
この場合に,経年変化である通常使用による摩耗(Wear and tear)については,保証の対象外であることを契約書に明記することもあります。 普通に使っていても劣化するのが避けられないとすると,それは欠陥(Defect)や保証違反とは言えませんので,それらは買主の負担とするわけです。
Wear and tear - Idioms by The Free Dictionary https://idioms ? A 2008-12-19: In other words +wear and tear+ is ... A 2008-12-19: U.S. legalese: wear and tear A 2008-03-11: Wear and tear …
Wear and tear is damage that naturally and inevitably occurs as a result of normal wear or aging. Recent Examples on the Web Barkis said that reducing traffic, and thereby wear and tear on the state’s roadways, should be a key subject in the debate over transportation funding. Statutory definition of “wear and tear.” Alaska deterioration that occurs from the intended use of the rental unit and without negligence, carelessness, accident, misuse, or abuse of the premises or contents by the tenant, members of the household of the tenant, or the invitees or guests of the tenant.
Definition of wear and tear in the Idioms Dictionary. devices, fuses, gaskets etc. my favorite jeans finally succumbed to Still, trekking poles need to be tough enough to withstand the But when the threat becomes reoccurring and persistent—as is the case with police brutality—the survival process becomes dangerous and causes rapid Hard water can also cause detergent, soap, and dirt to get trapped in clothing fibers, resulting in quicker His office later released an Argonne National Laboratory study that concluded relaxing the testing regimen would have cost benefits and could improve safety, since frequent equipment testing can cause These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'wear and tear.'