Steve trabaja para resolver el caso que su padre le dejó hace 10 años.Esta web no aloja ningun tipo de enlace a ninguna descarga ni a ninguna red p2p, de esta web es totalmente imposible descargar ningun archivo con derechos de autor, se trata de un estudio sociologico para una tesis sobre la "influencia de las redes p2p en la pirateria" On July 10, 2013 ahead of the show's fourth season it was announced that Beginning with the second episode of the 2016–17 season, On November 17, 2016, it was announced that Oka who portrays Bergman would be departing the series after the thirteenth episode of the seventh season.On June 30, 2017, ahead of the series's eighth season, it was announced that series regulars Kim and Park would be departing the series due to a salary dispute with CBS. Hawaii Five-0 Finale 10x22 Final Scene - Steve Reunites with Catherine on the Plane - Duration: 1:37. Danny es secuestrado y gravemente herido por la esposa de Wo Fat, que está después de que la madre de Steve lo dejara. hawaii five o 15767 GIFs. I do.It's nothing a couple of dedicated, over-the-hill soldiers can't handle.You definitely want him on your team at a pub quiz.Honestly, Marshall Nang is pretty much the only person outside of Langley with a shot at decoding that cipher.A Naval Intelligence officer I met a couple years back.We were together for a bunch of years, but, uh, well, these intelligence types, they got a habit of, uh, disappearing on you, you know?I mean, I hope I didn't ruin your day by bringing her up.Hey, Steve, I got a crazy tail on me and they are not being discreet at all.I'm traveling east on Kapiolani, just passed University.They're all over me, Steve. Além de deixar seu comentário aqui, no Clube Minha Série você pode compartilhar seu próprio conteúdo e interagir com outros usuários. Infelizmente, ele não viu um dos capangas e Danny leva um tiro enquanto toda a equipe do Five-0 corre para levá-lo ao hospital.Em sua cama de hospital, Danny repete seu bordão: “se eu ganhasse um dólar por cada vez que você salvou minha vida, eu teria uns 20 dólares”. All videos belongs to CBS. Shared. Dani Ruah 455,665 views. The best GIFs are on GIPHY. Dad! It's... it's a long story.Hold on. McGarrett responde que ele teria muito mais do que isso.Uma semana depois, os dois amigos conversam sobre como será seus futuros. All episodes are also available with This article is about the 2010 remake. For the original TV series, see We're looking for Detective Danny Williams.We're looking for him. Hawaii Five-0 10x22 "Aloha" Season 10 Episode 22 Promo (Series Finale) - Danny is abducted and badly wounded by Wo Fat’s wife, who is … McGarrett diz que vai para uma ilha procurar paz. Como essa perda fez parte de toda a série, não poderíamos terminar de forma diferente.Isso significa o retorno de alguns personagens familiares, como Victor Hesse e Wo Fat. John: I didn't say it enough. His pulse is thready.We crack that cipher, we figure out why Daiyu Mei wanted it.Look, all I'm asking is for your permission to take that cipher to Nang. A viúva de Wo Fat, Daiyu Mei, busca vingança pela morte de seu marido e, para isso, ela usa as mesmas artimanhas do vilão.Ela sequestra Danny e pede que McGarrett entregue a cifra deixada por sua mãe. Hawaii Five-0 is an American action police procedural television series that premiered on CBS on September 20, 2010, and is set to conclude on April 3, 2020. I woke up thinking about Dad. premiere, h50, hawaii five-0, 1001, hawaii five-0 cbs # premiere # h50 # hawaii five-0 # 1001 # hawaii five-0 cbs. Let's go. 2020-04-12 04:00:09 1 months ago; Views 2; By:Reirey H50; A + A-0. Hawaii five o … 10x22 - Aloha (Goodbye) 10x22 - Aloha (Goodbye) 04/04/20 03:54. I'm worried about him. I know you idolize the guy, but he's hurting right now.Look, all I know is that ten years ago, I hit the ground running hard and I've been running ever since.And I feel like maybe I need a... a little time away to get some perspective.Tell the policeman you have a message for Steve McGarrett.Got a visit from that lawyer from England this morning.The trace will enable us to pinpoint an exact location.The helicopter will be able to use the mountainside as cover until our extraction team moves in.The transport carrying your brother should be middle of the convoy.This only works if Commander McGarrett agrees to let Anton go.I've had people on John McGarrett, looking into him.I swear to God, I will hunt you down and I will kill you.Whoever broke in, they left no prints, no DNA, nothing.So no way of knowing who tried to steal the cipher, but what we do know is, whatever that code means, it's worth a hell of a lot to someone.You know something, man, I really appreciate you helping me out like this. Hawaii Five-0 10x22 | Piratestreaming in Streaming GRATIS su PIRATESTREAMING, 10x21 - A 'ohe ia e loa'a aku, he ulua kapapa no ka moana
1:37. No Clube você pode compartilhar o seu próprio conteúdo sobre esse assunto ou sobre outras séries e filmes. It is a reboot of the 1968–1980 series Hawaii Five-O (the original series had the letter "O" instead of the number "0" in its title), which also aired on CBS. Kim and Park had been seeking pay equality with co-stars O'Loughlin and Caan, but did not reach satisfactory deals with CBS Television Studios.