dragonball wiki gero

Cloned Dr. Gero (닥터 게로 클�, Cloned Dr. Gero) is a leader of the Red Pants Army in Dragon Ball Online, taking up his previous self's position in the organization as an inventor and one of the primary leaders. Dr. Gero's appearance consists of slightly tanned skin, blue eyes, a large bushy white mustache, and long hair. In Dragon Ball, Dr. Gero is the head scientist of the Red Ribbon Army though he is never seen at the time. Thinking back, he recognizes Goku's close friend, Bulma as the heir to Android 18 and Android 17 after Dr. Gero awakens them from their Android podsGero, inside his lab, says that he would have preferred not to activate 17 and 18, but that he has no choice now, and hopes that he has made them obedient. However, Bardock killed him with the Final Spirit Cannon in the end, which also killed …

Android 20 is weaker than Super Saiyan Vegeta and preferred to run away rather than face him directly, but he believed if he could absorb energy from Gohan, Tien, Piccolo, and Krillin, then he would become powerful enough to defeat Vegeta. Dr. Gero's appearance consists of slightly tanned skin, blue eyes, a large bushy white mustache, and long hair. Le robot espion est un robot créé par le Dr. Géro dans le but de collecter des informations sur Son Goku. Il occupe la même position et partage ses mêmes idées, qui sont de créer des humains artificiels. (目覚めた17号、18号, Mezameta Jūnanagō, Jūhachigō), first published in Weekly Shōnen Jump … His pants are dark brown, and his shoes are black and white. It is implied that Gero in his Android 20 form is more powerful than Android 19. Despite his cold heart, however, he was capable of affection, as he modeled Android 16 after his deceased son and deliberately made #16 gentle in order to avoid the risk of him being destroyed in battle due to him not being able to bear the thought of that happening.Dr.

The creator himself, Dr. Gero Sr. turned into Android 0. Il possède les mêmes plans que son alter-ego du présent, à savoir venger L'Armée du Red Ribon qui a été détruit par Son Gokû 17 ans plus tôt. Aside from his incredible intelligence (one of the best in the world, impressing even Dragon Ball AF Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Dr. Gero's mechanical body also lacks the eyebrows he had in his old, organic form. When Piccolo removed his weighted clothing to use his full power,  Android 20 is completely outmatched by the Namekian, with Piccolo's power having increased since the In large part because of his cybernetic body, Android 20 was also capable of surviving a bullet shot from a rifle, as evidenced by his shrugging off his being accidentally hit by Like Bulma and Dr. Brief, Dr. Gero's greatest strength is his intelligence and scientific expertise as he is able to design and construct Androids, Bio-Androids, and Cyborgs capable of exceeding the power of the likes of Frieza (before his training), Super Saiyans, and Super Namek Piccolo, making them some of the strongest fighters in Universe 7 and some of strongest fighters to originate from Earth. Dr. Gero's mechanical body also lacks the eyebrows he had in his old, organic form, instead having a pronounced brow. He can withstand a hit from base Goku and remain mostly unfazed by it, however, it did manage to move him back somewhat and stop him from continuing his eye laser barrage. The Red Ribbon Androids (レッドリボン軍人造人間, Reddo Ribon Gun Jinzōningen; lit. Dr. Gero is the main antagonist of the Androids Saga. "Artificial Human No. Dr. Gero's process of turning a human into an … Lors de la création du nouveau N°17, le Dr. Myuu a amélioré les commandes afin qu'il n'obéisse qu'à lui.

Android 18 questions why he kept 16 around, and Gero says he was planning on fixing him later. Ce plan est une telle réussite qu'il sème le trouble en Enfer et permet aux anciens adversaires des héros de réapparaître sur la Terre. The Android was sent to Planet Vegeta to kill Bardock. Piccolo grabs him, and Vegeta says that someone should drag Goku home and give him the Android 20 can only watch in horror as Vegeta aggressively beats 19 around.

Son Gokû parvient à faire bouger les humains artificiels, sur une île déserte cette fois. Malgré sa mort, son ordinateur qui héritera de sa volonté reprendra le flambeau pour terminer la création de Que ce soit dans Dragon Ball Z ou GT, le Dr. Géro finit toujours trahi par ses progénitures, en outre, c'est lui qui propose son aide au Voici la liste des humains artificiels crée par Géro.

20"), is a supporting antagonist in the Dragon Ball franchise, appearing in the Dragon Ball manga and the animes Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT. - Dr. Gero, Explained during Imperfect Cell's flashback to Piccolo. Despite this, however, he states "it seems I have no other choice" immediately before releasing Android 17 and 18, implying he was aware of the severe risks to himself of activating them due to their hatred of him. However, it's secondary purpose was to collect the cells of the greatest fighters on Earth, observing their battle techniques and … Android 18 (Japanese: 人造人間18号, Hepburn: Jinzōningen Jū Hachi Gō, lit. Now I have eternal life like you."

Gero then had#19 … He was forced to work for them. "Artificial Human #18"), born as Lazuli (ラズリ| Razuri) is a fictional character in the Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama.Android 18 makes his debut in chapter #349 The Androids Awake!