großer kurfürst wows

Gonna give this a try on my G. Kurfurst since the respecs are free at the moment and has a 19pt captain. One of the 15 cm turrets on Bismarck, the same type as would have been mounted on the H class. I assume DE is supposed to be something else, like FP or AFT. The main reason I didn't opt for MSA was that I often would have targets on both sides of me and I didn't like that MSA effectively silences half your guns. With all Harugumo, Wooster, Smolensk, Colbert, Henri IV etc etc etc in the game, anything else then full tank build is ineffective. Deschimag, which had been awarded the contract for "J", could no longer be used due to the increase in draft, which precluded travel through the shallow Weser. Most Importantly should I get this upgrade or not: As long as you accept that using this ship in clan or ranked battles isn’t as competitive as other T10’s, but that it’s hella fun otherwise, you will enjoy it. Any other skills are optional to preference but AFT is mandatory.

The build on my GK is based on as long as we are alive.

The design staff therefore attempted to improve the armor protection for the H-class. This is the build I had used: My GK captain is a hybrid build:  PT, PM, EM, BOS, BFT, AFT, and the special 10% JoaT.

I finally got the Großer Kurfürst which I wanted ever since I started playing. The ship was fitted with triple main turrets designed at the outbreak of World War II. The German navy did not seriously consider construction on any of the designs, which were so large that they could not have been built in a traditional slipway. This design also incorporated the mixed propulsion system. These studies were abandoned in 1941 after Hitler decided to halt further battleship construction until after the end of the war. Die brutally. After 0.9.2 IFHE is less needed, as 128mm and 150mm guns can now penetrate 32mm and 38mm armor respectively, which is enough for most ships. I would like any advice you could offer on whether I should take a secondary, tank or hybrid build and what modules should I fit into the ship. GK even with a competitively optimal build is not competitively optimal.

She's more vulnerable at range than a lot of other battleships are, but she can definitely tank up close, especially if you have maximum fire prevention setup. The optimal Kurfurst build is the cookie cutter zombie tank build. You unlocked Grosser Kurfurst at a very good time since there are free Commander Skill resets active until the 29th. The design staff determined that modifications to the ammunition hoists and loading equipment could be easily done and that the original turrets could be retained. I run full secondaries myself and do decent with it.

A study from this order was completed on 15 July, and contained several recommendations for the H-class ships, including increasing the freeboard and strengthening the horizontal protection. Dead no! Slap the meta upside the head. Soviet demands from the agreement include a substantial amount of German military equipment and technology, among them the incomplete In September 1939, only shortly after the first two ships of the 1939 "Battleship H" (H-39) design was laid down, work was suspended due to the start of World War 2.

I assume DE is supposed to be something else, like FP or AFT. Also, the Kurryfurst, assuming you take all available (CE + Camo + CSM1) goes from 18.18 km detect to 14.28. The staff also prepared a second design, "Scheme B" (H-40B), which retained the fourth turret and accepted a much higher displacement. Most Importantly should I get this upgrade or not: This group was responsible for the design work that resulted in the H-42 type, as well as the subsequent designs. Following the completion of a new, larger dock at the Kriegsmarinewerft in Wilhelmshaven, work would also be done there. Großer Kurfürst — German Tier X battleship.

Secondaries will never be as reliable as raw gun performance in the current state of the game, so the most optimal way to play the GK is as a mid range sniper where it's easier to use its entire main battery with out being punished as hard. In order to maintain displacement and speed and accommodate the increased weight of the additional armor protection, the design staff drew up an informal design, known as "Scheme A" (H-40A).

I love secondaries too.

Sadly there is no right answer, and it's not because the Kurfurst is spoiled for choice. If you want the funnest t10 battleship in game, however, go full secondary spec (ifhe included) kurfurst and push the cap guns blazing, acoustics running, secondaries on dds, main guns on cruisers, with 4 fires on your deck. As the designs for the H-42, H-43, and H-44 battleships were purely conjectural, no actual work was begun. The increased size of the ships would have lengthened the building time from four to five years. I prefer a hybrid build, leaning towards survivability. Die. The obvious issue is the GK is it's not designed to play this way and generally will be worse than the other Tier 10 BBs. As detailed design continued into 1942, the OKM planned to begin construction six to nine months after demobilization, initially at Blohm & Voss and the Deutsche Werke shipyard in Kiel. EM duh, JoAT's because AR's returns on already fast firing Secondaries is meh and you should be spending as much of the match as healthy as you can be (Heals on Cooldown (max queued damage of course)), BoS because fires are a problem on a brawler, SI duh. Due to the recent changes in meta though I feel a full secondary build will be hard to master. I would like any advice you could offer on whether I should take a secondary, tank or hybrid build and what modules should I fit into the ship.