20 francs gold 1852
1852-1870. This item will ship to United States, but the seller has not specified shipping options. Engraver: Jean-Jacques Barre. Republik | Gold | 1848-1852 TOUGH DATE1700s Louis XVI 1 Sol, 12 denier, 1/20 Pound French Revolution Rare Copper Coin1806 FRANCE Napoleon Bonaparte 20 Francs Antique French Gold Coin NGC i809371803 FRANCE Napoleon Bonaparte 20 Francs Antique French Gold Coin NGC i80926FRANCE 50 CENTIMES 1852 A LOUIS NAPOLEON BONAPARTE #t58 2331869 BB France Five 5 Francs - Napoleon III - Lot 4741867 A France Five 5 Francs - Napoleon III - Lot 931867 BB France Five 5 Francs - Napoleon III - Lot 411812 France Five 5 Francs - Napoleon I french empire - Lot 1911811 A France Five 5 Francs - Napoleon I french empire - Lot 23FRANCE 1 FRANC AN 12-A 1803 NAPOLEON, PCGS AU Details, Free Shipping 1808 FRANCE Napoleon Bonaparte BIG 40 Francs Antique French Gold Coin NGC i809351817 FRANCE King Louis XVIII Large 40 Francs Antique French GOLD Coin NGC i809201806 FRANCE Napoleon Bonaparte 20 Francs Antique French Gold Coin NGC i809371803 FRANCE Napoleon Bonaparte 20 Francs Antique French Gold Coin NGC i809261813 FRANCE Napoleon Bonaparte 20 Francs Antique French Gold Coin NGC i79810 Wahrscheinlich besser bekannt als Demeter war sie die römische Göttin des Ackerbaus und der Fruchtbarkeit. Please allow additional time if international delivery is subject to customs processing. Struck during Napoleon III reign during 1852-1870, these classic French Gold Coins would be a perfect addition to any gold coin collection. USPS First Class Mail International / First Class Package International ServiceFRANCE LOUIS NAPOLEON TOKEN 1852 TRIP TO BORDEAUX A73 #8371FRANCE 1 FRANC AN 12 A NAPOLEON I. 20 FRANCS 1852 A . Im Gegensatz zu den meisten anderen französischen Münzen dieser Epoche zeigen die Goldmünzen der Zweiten Republik nicht das Konterfeit eines Regenten sondern der mystischen Gestalt der Cérès. Subsequent years show the Empire instead of Republic of France on the reverse side. Über 145 Jahre altes Original! Im Gegensatz zu den meisten anderen französischen Münzen dieser Epoche zeigen die Goldmünzen der Zweiten Republik nicht das Konterfeit eines Regenten sondern der mystischen Gestalt der Cérès. Frankreich 20 Francs Napoleon III mit Kranz (1852-1870) Gold. Any Quantity. This is a nicely priced coin for a single year issue. 10 Francs Gold 1856 A Vorzüglich + Napoleon III. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.This amount includes applicable customs duties, taxes, brokerage and other fees. Frankreich (ShopPreis) 1856: 225: 2020-03-20: Neu! Inklusive Zubehör! France - Lot de 3 monnaies royales et provinciales à identifier €11.00. THE DIAMETER OF THE COIN IS 21 MM. 0.900. Visit the World Coin Price Guide on NGCcoin.com to see prices for France 20 Francs coins, as well as images, mintage info, composition details and design notes. This one-year type design makes this Gold coin an ideal collector piece from 19th century France. Republik Gold 1848-1852. 20 Franc 1851-A France Ceres - Gold vz MA-Shop Kauf mit Garantie Angebot mit Münzen und Medaillen von der Antike bis zum Euro. Lettering: *****DIEU*PROTEGE*LA*FRANCE . This item will ship to United States, but … Engraver: Désiré-Albert Barre. Contact the seller- opens in a new window or tab and request a shipping method to … If for any reason, you have a problem, please feel free to call us. Im Gegensatz zu seinen kaiserlichen Münzen nennt sie auf der Vorderseite seinen bürgerlichen Namen und trägt auf der Rückseite die Umschrift "Republique Française". Die 20 Francs Goldmünze Napoleon III zählt zu den sogenannten Umlaufgoldmünzen, d.h. diese Münzen waren in der Vergangenheit als Zahlungsmittel im Umlauf. Minted at the Paris Mint in 1852. Minted at the Paris Mint in 1852. Containing 0.1867 of an ounce of gold and featuring a historic design, these French 20 Francs are one of the most popular gold coins among investors. 1849-1851 France Gold 20 Francs …

0.900. !1828 A PARIS French France 5 FRANC Silver COIN Nice Condition VF XF ? For additional information, see the Global Shipping Program This amount includes applicable customs duties, taxes, brokerage and other fees. WEIGHT OF COIN 6.5 GRAMS. Gold-Preisvergleich vom 02.08.2020 (19:57 Uhr) — 843# 20 Francs Frankreich 1852 A 6,38 Gramm 900er Goldmünze vz erhalten — 6,38g Gold — 1852 für … For additional information, see the Global Shipping Program {"name":"product","product_id":"2229","preload":1,"link":1,"description":0,"lines":0,"metal":0,"picture_size_width":130,"picture_size_height":130,"price_per_oz":0,"add_to_cart":1,"volume_pricing":0,"product_rating":0,"weight":0,"block_view":1,"preset":"product_image_vip","hide_qty":1,"schema":0,"language":"de"}{"name":"product","product_id":"593","preload":1,"link":1,"description":0,"lines":0,"metal":0,"picture_size_width":130,"picture_size_height":130,"price_per_oz":0,"add_to_cart":1,"volume_pricing":0,"product_rating":0,"weight":0,"block_view":1,"preset":"product_image_vip","hide_qty":1,"schema":0,"language":"de"}{"name":"product","product_id":"2266","preload":1,"link":1,"description":0,"lines":0,"metal":0,"picture_size_width":130,"picture_size_height":130,"price_per_oz":0,"add_to_cart":1,"volume_pricing":0,"product_rating":0,"weight":0,"block_view":1,"preset":"product_image_vip","hide_qty":1,"schema":0,"language":"de"}{"name":"menu","menu_name":"mobile_menu","preload":true,"position":"top","modif":"coin_mobile","cache":1,"cache_type":"data","language":"de"}{"name":"related_products","modif":"product_page","caliber":1,"connected_products":1,"max_items":10,"product_id":"896","preload":1,"language":"de"}{"name":"also_bought_products","max_items":10,"product_id":"896","preload":1,"cache":1,"cache_type":"data","cache_expire":36000,"language":"de"}{"name":"product_series","field_id":"1002","field_option_id":"120","product_id":"896","preload":1,"language":"de"}{"name":"last_seen_products","product_id":"896","preload":1,"language":"de"}{"name":"social","modif":"coin","text":true,"icon_width":18,"icon_height":18,"preload":true,"language":"de"}{"name":"menu","menu_name":"footer-menu","modif":"bottom","cache":0,"preload":true,"language":"de"}{"name":"payment_types","modif":"vertical","preload":true,"show_bank_transfer":1,"width":80,"height":40,"link":"\/de\/zahlungsmethoden\/","language":"de"}20 Französische Francs Cérès 2.