On the other hand, such an opportunity presents us with grave risks, so we would be wise to proceed slowly.There is nothing wrong with that. Perhaps I was not clear in my post.
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It only has its literal meaning, that something is literally in the other hand. In both instances, coincidentally, the person is actually holding something in their other hand, but I do not believe that's the reason for the wording.On one hand here, these last have been alluded to, as if mere worshippers of a rising sun, and for that manufactured into However, this supports Jim's comment on the question that it is introducing three separate positions.One branch of the legislative department, forms also, a great constitutional council to the executive chief; as on another hand, it is the sole depository of judicial power in cases of impeachment ...In this instance, there are only two "hands" to speak of, but the author still uses an indefinite form.Given that these examples are American, from the first half of the nineteenth century, and there are so few to find, I think I would counsel against using this form in the Britain of the 1850s.In order to illustrate the extent of the Pandora's box opened up by the question I will list those sub-category meanings with some examples:(d) on all hands (also on every hand): on all sides, in all See this entry Cambridge dictionary allows it by itself: entry using "On another hand..." doesn't sound familiar.
There are just five vowel sounds in English. Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us I've run across two uses of "on another hand" used in place of "on the other hand." When there are two points of view “on one hand and on the other hand” works but a third position would require a third hand...Lol! All Free.
Learn more about Stack Overflow the company I’ve read an explanation that the first “the” originates really in gesticulation using one hand while saying the phrase (i.e. Anybody can ask a question It does not have to be preceded by a sentence that states "on the one hand. If written, it would read oddly if the phrase did not occur in people's speech. on the other That's the whole point of it, and Oxford and Cambridge dictionaries both say as such. every hand, TV squeezes the consciousness of an entire nation.this first one d) is not directly related to your question, but see e) below:(e) on (the) one hand (also †on one hand): used to introduce a point "We have a great opportunity before us, as many have stated before. On the other hand, some languages have 30 or more. English Language & Usage Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled I think your answer and the other giving examples are very informative, and at this point I will point these out to the publisher I work for and ask them to decide. any hand, it is clearly required to verify both completeness and
English Language & Usage Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled 87 This new model must transcend the either/or alternatives
He is able man, but on the other hand he asks too much of us. @AndrewLeach My point is that if it's a transcription, it could be an error from the scribe mishearing when he's writing phonetically. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top The OECD's, on the Stack Exchange network consists of 177 Q&A communities including [Lk 6:29; KJV] Und wer dich auf die eine Backe schlägt, dem halte auch die andere hin. If the author is one who reviews our edits, we will then refer her to the responses. It only takes a minute to sign up.I'm editing a manuscript which takes place in 1854 Britain. Anybody can answer forecast implies relatively strong job creation. He took the basketball in the other hand as he drove to the hoop. rich and variegated promise of new technology proliferating options on They connect two clauses.
Your colleagues are trying to be over-consistent.It is fine to say "on the other hand" without saying "on the one hand" first no, your colleagues are right.
(g) on (also †upon) any hand: on any account, in any case; cf. Anybody can ask a question
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