The etymology of both names is uncertain, and scholars disagree about them.According to Bob Macdonald, the Hebrew term for Gomorrah was based on the Semitic root In the thirteenth year of their subjugation, the five kings of the Jordan plain—Bera, Birsha, The story of the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah is told in Abraham inquires if the Lord will spare the city should fifty righteous people be found within it, to which the Lord agrees. Pierre Bikai, Bert de Vries, ed., “Archaeology in Jordan, 1991,” Merrill, Eugene H. "Texts, Talls, and Old Testament Chronology: Tall Hammam as a Case Study." Sodom steht für. Buch Mose und in den Prophetenbüchern. 42–50; Boswell, Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality, pp. Sodom und Gomorra (Gen 19) sowie Adma und Zebojim gelten im Alten Testament als Orte der Sünde, die von Gott zerstört wurden. 2003, p. 41Bailey, Homosexuality and Western Tradition, pp. Evidence of their wickedness still remains: a continually smoking wasteland, plants bearing fruit that does not ripen, and a pillar of salt standing as a monument to an unbelieving soul.
Die – wahrscheinlich Jerusalemer – Tradition handelte ursprünglich von einem Strafgericht des Sonnengottes (Keel; Janowski), des Hüters der Gerechtigkeit, an einer exemplarisch sündhaften Stadt oder Gruppe von Städten. Even thus will it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed. - Lot sitzt im Stadttor. Historisches Logo der Israelischen Eisenbahn Streckennetz Israel Railways ist die staatliche israelische Eisenbahngesellschaft mit Unternehmenssitz in Tel Aviv-Jaffa (bis 1980 Haifa). Israel Railways. 14:24; Ezek. She stayed behind and was destroyed with whoever else was left.
—The nonsexual view focuses on the cultural importance of hospitality, which this biblical story shares with other ancient civilizations, such as Within the Christian Churches that agree on the possible sexual interpretation of "know" (Scholar in history and gender studies Lisa McClain has claimed that the association between Sodom and Gomorrah with homosexuality emerged from the writings of 1st century Jewish philosopher The Quran contains twelve references to "the people of Lut", the biblical Lot, but meaning the residents of Sodom and Gomorrah, and their destruction by God is associated explicitly with their sexual practices.In the Quran, surah (chapter) 26 Ash-Shu`arā' (The Poets) –
360° : Compassion and Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate, Thomas E. Schmidt But I say unto you, That it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgement, than for thee""Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded, but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. I tell you the truth, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town. 92–97Lv.18:22; 26–27,29,30; 20:13; Dt. Operation Gomorrha (im englischen Original: Operation Gomorrah) war der militärische Codename für eine Serie von Luftangriffen, die vom Bomber Command der Royal Air Force (RAF) und der Eighth Air Force der USAAF im Luftkrieg des Zweiten Weltkriegs vom 24. "Wisdom rescued a righteous man when the ungodly were perishing; he escaped the fire that descended on the Five Cities. Verse 22-33 berichten, wie Abraham den Herrn anfleht, Gnade mit Sodom und Gomorra zu haben, weil Abrahams Neffe, Lot, und seine Familie in Sodom lebten. 22:11; 33:26cf. (eds.) —And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LThose who favor the non-sexual interpretation argue against a denotation of sexual behavior in this context, noting that while the Hebrew word for "know" appears over 900 times in the Hebrew Scriptures, only 1% (13–14 times) in Nordisrael als Paradebeispiele für gründlich zerstörte Städte dienen konnten (So sinnlos die archäologische (oder geologische) Suche nach einer „Pentapolis“ von Sodom (mit Bela = → Alle Fassungen dieses Artikels ab Oktober 2017 als PDF-Archiv zum Download:Unser besonderer Dank gilt allen Personen und Institutionen, die für WiBiLex Abbildungen zur Verfügung gestellt bzw. —This reference to "going after strange flesh" is understood in different ways to include something akin to bestiality, having illicit sex with strangers, having sex with angels, but most often God's destruction of the populations of the four cities is interpreted to mean Many who interpret the stories in a non-sexual context contend that as the word for "strange" is akin to "another", "other", "altered" or even "next", the meaning is unclear, and if the condemnation of Sodom was the result of sexual activities perceived to be perverse, then it is likely that it was because women sought to commit fornication with "other than human" angels,Now this was the sin of Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. Two girls, one poor and the other rich, went to a well; and the former gave the latter her jug of water, receiving in return a vessel containing bread. Mose 18,20). For because they passed wisdom by, they not only were hindered from recognizing the good, but also left for mankind a reminder of their folly, so that their failures could never go unnoticed.There are other stories and historical names which bear a resemblance to the biblical stories of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Der Besuch bei Lot und die Situation in Sodom und Gomorra (1Mo 19, 1-11) - Unterdessen sind die beiden anderen Männer in Sodom angekommen.