du sagen synonym

(verkörpern) (bedeuten)


Over 100,000 English translations of German words and phrases.

Need to translate "du sagen" from German?


Synonyme für "sagen" 857 gefundene Synonyme 31 verschiedene Bedeutungen für sagen Ähnliches & anderes Wort für sagen da soll noch einer sagen, wir Deutschen hätten keinen Humor!never let it be said that we Germans have no sense of humour Das englische Verb to tell kann von einem Personalpronomen gefolgt werden, to say jedoch nicht.sag mir, was du liest, und ich sage dir, wer du bisttell me what you read and I'll tell you what kind of person you areyou don't need to tell ME that!, tell me about it! (bedeuten) With Reverso you can find the German translation, definition or synonym for du sagen and thousands of other words.

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Translation Dictionary Spell check Conjugation Synonyms Grammar Documents and website translation Corporate solutions Newsletter Help & about. Translations in context of "was würdest du sagen" in German-English from Reverso Context: Liebe hoffte, was würdest du sagen? gen

With Reverso you can find the German translation, definition or synonym for du sagen and thousands of other words. Akkusativ

du zu jdm sagen = to use the familiar form of address with sb ; to say du to sbTo ensure the quality of comments, you need to be connected.you should have said that before {or} sooner/known that before

English translation of the German word “du sagen”.

Translations of the phrase DU MIR ZU SAGEN HAST from german to english and examples of the use of "DU MIR ZU SAGEN HAST" in a sentence with their translations: Was du mir zu sagen hast ? (entdecken) (bekräftigen) By using our services, you implicitly agree to our use of cookies.