sto borg juggernaut
While this trait is slotted, when you activate a Captain or Bridge Officer Heal on yourself, you will gain a significant boost to hull regeneration for a short duration. You may only equip one of these consoles.This starship comes with enhanced regenerative Nanites in its hull that amplify any repair efforts made to the starship. Larger assimilated ships are more powerful. With the recent resurgence of the Borg, outreach efforts have focused toward the Borg Cooperative.

Part of this renewed cooperation has resulted in some captains being able to command the powerful, all new The **Liberated Borg Command Juggernaut [T6] **will become available with the release of the Without further ado, here are the complete ship details related to this experimental new starship!The Liberated Borg Command Juggernaut is the heavyweight of the Borg Cooperative fleet.

The Ground crew is all lib Borg too! STO doesn't really differentiate mechanics between escorts and planet sized ships though, so realistic speeds have always been a weird barrier in this game.With high inertia, and everyone's gonna strap-on the PVP engines anyways.With these stats I guess we'll see that thing a lot in the next couple months. When activated, this console deals significant plasma damage to several nearby enemies, and inflicts Viral Disruption on them for a short duration, which causes Plasma Damage and attacks Subsystems of vulnerable starships while present.This console additionally provides a boost to Plasma Damage and Hull Regeneration. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains.Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser.

Home > STO Items > Liberated Borg Command Juggernaut [T6] Liberated Borg Command Juggernaut [T6] I Want to Sell. I was interested in the ship though, but didn't think I would get one. I would have happily paid directly, but blowing a month's wage on your garbage lockboxes, no fucking thank you.Anybody knows from which tng episode is that ship from?correct me if i'm wrong..but, wasn't/isn't this ship in the lobi store?You might be thinking of the Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Cruiser. Very low turn rate but very high intertia, that's unusual.That means that the ship will stop really fast, does not drift and can turn nose really well.It'll probably be bigger in some sense than a Universe class. When activated, your starship fires a massive plasma bolt at your target that deals intense Plasma Damage to any foes it passes near while it chases its target. User account menu. Now I feel a need to get one and recreate one of my EVE characters to fly it.This will be great with the new armor & weapon from the Borg lockbox, I know people have wanted to play Borg for a while.Can someone clarify this. … The new Liberated Borg Command Juggernaut has been previewed for Star Trek Online.Here are the details. They are all wearing borg implants and the Exo Suit from the lobi store (due to the textures on the old borg suits [they are awful compared lol]) Myself and the ground crew are all using B.A.T.D. 5 months ago. $ 55.00. =DPersonally hoping for comm and Intel seats with 4/4/4/X weapons.Still an ugly ship, but I know others will be happy. Borg Juggernaut on a Liberated Borg Romulan. Don't recognize it.It'll certainly shift the balance, however I'm more excited for the Alliance Battlecruiser.Would kill for preview pics with vanitys and the whole omega borg set, maybe side by side to a galaxy class. After achieving level 5 in the Liberated Borg Juggernaut Starship Mastery, you will unlock the “Enhanced Nanite Regeneration" Starship Trait. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Share your glorious (or … Press J to jump to the feed. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies.

Posted by. Extractors as well. Command Bridge Officer abilities generate additional Inspiration. Sounds deadly though.The Alliance is always establishing new and expanded relations with allies throughout the galaxy.