Het toestel is onder andere bekend in een omgebouwde versie die gebruikt werd om stuiterbommen op Duitse stuwdammen te droppen.
Selon le nombre de pièces, le temps de construction sera plus ou moins long.
Un manuel d'instruction est fourni dans la boîte ;
Peinture et colle : à acheter séparément
L'outillage, les peintures et la colle ne sont pas fournis. The inaugural flight from Dorval (Montreal) to Prestwick, Scotland on 22 July 1943, was completed non-stop in a record 12:26 hours; the average crossing time was about 13:25 hours. De Lancaster is een 4-motorige zware bommenwerper uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog die gebouwd werd door Avro.. De Lancaster werd vooral door de Royal Air Force gebruikt. During early 1942, it was decided that the bomber should be produced in Canada, where it was manufactured by The Lancaster B I was never fully superseded in production by a successor model, remaining in production until February 1946.Early production Lancaster B Is were outfitted with a ventral gun turret position.The Lancaster benefited from a structure that possessed considerable strength and durability, which had been intentionally designed to maximise structural strength-per-weight; this resulted in the Lancaster being capable of withstanding some levels of damage resulting from attacks by hostile The standard crew for a Lancaster consisted of seven men, stationed in various positions in the fuselage. Avro Lancaster B.III – Airfix Avro Lancaster Mk I/II- Revell Retour au menu Aviation de la bataille de Normandie.
The Elsan The Avro Lancaster was initially equipped with four Late on in the war, as a result of statistical analysis, The ventral (underside) FN-64 turret quickly proved to be dead weight, being both difficult to sight because it relied on a periscope which limited the gunner's view to a 20-degree arc,The tail turret was the most important defensive position and carried the heaviest armament. La mise en service opérationnelle se fait au début de l’année 1942. Chacune des pièces sur les grappes va elles aussi être numérotés permettant de les retrouver plus rapidement lors du montage. (autres marquages possibles avec les planches Xtradécalques X05472 X05572 et X05672.