ben shapiro trump

He has stated for the record voted for Ted Cruz in the primary and did a write in for the general election. Does anyone really think the left gives two shakes about Trump’s past affairs or mean tweets?
""Now, you've been following the news for the past few months," the outspoken conservative continued. But now that Trump said that it was happening the media was like, it never happened. There’s a massive blind spot among the D.C. prognosticators on morality when it comes to foreign policy.

Joe Biden’s pursuit of an ill-advised war in Syria (led by Barack Obama) that led to over half a million people dead? "But it is not.

Or Trump making a mean tweet about Justin Trudeau? About five minutes ago, the same people trashing Trump now were fist bumping him at his wedding. All rights reserved. "The speech was praised by conservatives and Trump supporters alike, while liberal media members were quick to condemn the president's remarks, which Shapiro said were "prompted by weeks of rioting, looting, tearing down monuments," as polarizing and "dark. There’s no actual moral principle at play here. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, Ben criticizes Trump when he deserves it and praises him when he deserves it. This is especially true with life and death issues like abortion in play.Shapiro also tackles the hypocrisy involved in these discussions. While the D.C. establishment ask us to ignore their own immorality, the rest of us will weigh, compare, and make a decision that’s in our own interests.
"You might say to yourself, 'Wait, what? 60.5k members in the trump community. Along the way that same establishment makes millions pushing and advising on the mostly failed excursions.Let’s also take foreign policy, as that’s another good comparison. Regardless, it’s still perfectly moral to chose a representative who’s going to enact policies one believes to restore the social fabric and protect liberty. Nonprofit Organization. ""The media is saying that Trump is just delusional...that all the things he's talking about in his speech did not happen," Shapiro said.

That’s the entire purpose of electing a secular political leader. Fox News media analyst Howard Kurtz on the media's attacks on President Trump.The mainstream media's attempt to gaslight the public was on full display over the weekend, Ben Shapiro said Monday, defending President Trump against withering criticism from liberals who found his"The generalized theme of the speech was exactly right," Shapiro told listeners on However, Shapiro warned, "The media are totally gaslighting this thing. Ben Shapiro Nails the Argument About Trump and ‘Morality’ Posted at 10:05 pm on December 24, 2019 by Bonchie.

Share on Facebook. Is it possible some take their love of Trump too far? This is consistent with the way every single other human being in this country should behave.

Do you … Originaire et habitant de Los Angeles, il est diplômé de l' université de Californie à Los Angeles et de la faculté de droit de l'université Harvard. (AP Photo/John Bazemore) Earlier in the week, I wrote an article on Trump, morality, and why beltway …

or redistributed.

Ben Shapiro was not a Trump supporter during the election. "If people were honest in the slightest about this they would recognize that what he is saying ought to be utterly uncontroversial," Shapiro concluded. There are not threats to America's history, or her culture, or her freedoms. "Don't be gaslit. Just look at how they treat Mike Pence. All this stuff was happening. President Donald Trump points to supporters after speaking at his Black Voices for Trump rally Friday, Nov. 8, 2019, in Atlanta. In my piece, I expressed some areas of morality that the D.C. establishment always ignore, such as terrible foreign policy decisions that often lead to massive loss of life with no clear goal. They not only accept it (see Bill Clinton), but push it as a lifestyle choice.

"Get all the stories you need-to-know from the most powerful name in news delivered first thing every morning to your inboxThis material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Or for Trump to rant about NATO members not paying their fair share? ""I'm pointing out to you, you're not crazy," Shapiro told listeners.

"So when Trump talks about the destruction of American history or the cancel culture, all of this is a figment of his imagination?