wie viel ist ein paar

These cookies do not store any personal information.Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Here are some examples and what I would expect:Ich muss noch ein paar Dinge erledigen, bevor ich nach Hause fahre.Maybe he has to finish a presentation, has to check his e-mails, has to switch off his computer, has to water the flowers and has to say "Good bye" to his colleagues.Your friend tells you that he is going to travel to the US. Think of shoes...@Jan: well, yes. A bunch is more than a few.

With someone more punctual, this could also mean "up to 5 minutes". Discuss the workings and policies of this site Pointing that out resulted in two downvotes, one of which is still present.

But if the person you ask knows, how many guests there are, you might mean two or three or four. Detailed answers to any questions you might have

(in Bezug auf Tiere) sich … 1b. @user "The most frequent usage", "depending on the object"How do you count the most frequent usage? ", you're requesting a few more, but not all of them (probably leaving enough for everyone else).The English.Stackexchange comment was probably as mistake due to "Paar" and "paar", as the others have explained already.However, I don't think there is a general rule of how many "ein paar..." are.

@TheBlastOne: You never have language without context. Und ein paar sind so viele, wie man benötigt, um das weiterzumachen, was man grade halt so macht.What is a common size? paar. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top Learn more about Stack Overflow the company Wie oft ist Masturbieren gesund? There are not many things that are handled in pairs - like shoes, sausages, socks, etc., so they are mostly the exceptions you can learn, when you are asked for "ein paar".The most frequent usage is a number you can count on one or two hands depending on the object. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. If you take "ein paar Handschuhe" out of a box of 100 latex gloves (and if you ever did, you know) it usually are "ein paar", not "ein Paar".Well the "Ein paar Sekunden noch" does not directly mean more than 3 to 10 or so seconds BUT because it is obvious that 10 seconds will never be enough, the receiver knows about the satiric nature of the figure -- and automatically knows that it might be 100 seconds he/she has to wait. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our German Language Stack Exchange is a bilingual question and answer site for speakers of all levels who want to share and increase their knowledge of the German language. Der Druck in Fahrzeugreifen kann von 180 bis 250 kPa betragen. Wie viel Sex ist „normal“?

It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website.This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. So, hearing "ein paar Kekse" will never be interpreted as "ein Paar Kekse".So, the usage is different from "couple" which I would have misinterpreted accordingly up until now.Einerseits ist in der Wortbedeutung nie die Rede von ZweiUnd was interessanter sein mag, ist der Zusammenhang zwischen "ein Paar" (also zwei zusammengehörige Dinge/Personen) und "ein paar" (im Sinne von einige):Herkunft: mittelhochdeutsch pā̆r, ursprünglich ungenauer Gebrauch von ↑Paar für eine kleinere AnzahlEs ist also gut möglich, dass früher mit "ein paar" Dingen "ungefähr zwei" gemeint war.Wie du aus den anderen Antworten sehen kannst, ist dem aber nicht mehr so.One point that has not been mentioned yet is that "ein paar" does not necessarily describe an I would interpret "ein paar" to mean 2-3, maybe 4.

"My first impulse would have been to write "about 5" or "a handful", though.The purpose of this question is to establish whether or not in today's usage in German, "ein paar" is leaning towards "just two" or whether it is more likely to mean "three or more".The answer is easier, it is absolutely more likely "three or more". @TheBlastOne: Nah.