salzburg presse
Ms. De Zeven Provinciën (26 april 2002) (F803) Hr.

The Netherlands is planning to upgrade SMART-L to the new Mk2 standard, which can detect ballistic missiles at a range of 2,000 km (1,200 miles). De-Zeven-Provinciën-Klasse ist der Name zwei Schiffsklassen der niederländischen Koninklijke Marine: .
Introduce. Toen de voorlopers van de LCF'en -de Geleide Wapen fregatten van de Tromp klasse- een paar jaar in dienst waren, begon de marine al met het nadenken over de vervangers. Die BAP Almirante Grau (CLM-81), gebaut als De Ruyter (vollständige niederländische Bezeichnung: Hr. Blast and fragmentation retaining structures provide a very high level of survivability against missile attack and fire hazards.For nuclear chemical and biological warfare protection the ship is subdivided into two gas citadels and a sub citadel. Skibene kan bruges i alle krigsformer, men skibenes hovedstyrke ligger i luftforsvar. During the tracking and missile-firing tests, target profiles were provided by Greek-built EADS/3Sigma Iris PVK medium-range subsonic target drones.

The first ship was laid down in 1998 and commissioned in 2002, the last ship commissioned in 2005.

Fragata HNLMS Tromp da classe De Zeven Provinciën Fragata HNLMS Evertsen. Samen met zeven andere landen (Groot-Brittannië, Duitsland, Frankrijk, Italië, Verenigde Staten, Canada en Spanje) werd gewerkt aan een luchtverdedigingsfregat voor de NAVO.

This is a high-powered Active Phased Array Radar, which is smaller, yet considerably more powerful, than the American SPY-1 phased array radar. Ms. De Ruyter (22 april 2004) (F805) Hr. Hope you find something interesting when visiting

The main sensors for this system are the SMART-L long-range surveillance radar and the APAR multi-function radar.The SMART-L is a D band radar, located above the hangar, providing very long range surveillance.

Die zwischen 2002 und 2005 in Dienst gestellten Einheiten sind als Mehrzweckschiffe ausgelegt, der Schwerpunkt liegt aber auf weiträumiger Luftabwehr und der Führung von Flottenverbänden. The name De Zeven Provinciën refers to the seven provinces which formed the Dutch Republic in 1581.

Over the past twenty years, Dutch naval units have repeatedly proven their worth in peacekeeping and humanitarian operations.The Netherlands is also a country with the best experience and ability to build warships in Europe.

Posts, videos, photos contributed to the website please send to: is a military blog for people who love history and military science around the world. Dazu befinden sich am Heck ein 18,8 m breiter und 27 m langer Landeplatz und daran anschließend ein Hangar, in dem ein Hubschrauber Platz findet.

It can guidance of 32 semi-active radar homing missiles in flight simultaneously, including 16 in the terminal guidance phase. The outer structure is enclosed, plus low profile sections increase the stealth of vessels. De Zeven Provinciënklasse is een klasse van vier luchtverdedigings- en commandofregatten (LCF) van de Koninklijke Marine. They are equipped with eight RGM-84F Harpoon anti-ship missiles, two twin MK32 Mod 9 torpedo launchers with Raytheon MK46 Mod 5 torpedoes.The ship’s main gun is a 127mm Oto Melara gun mounted on the bow deck. The De Zeven Provincien air defence and command frigates are armed with the Harpoon surface-to-surface missile system. The Scout low-probability-of-intercept radar provides surface search for the De Zeven Provincien LCF. To deal with close-range threats, two Goalkeeper close-in weapon system are installed, one on the raised deck in front of the main mast and one facing the stern on the raised deck overlooking the helicopter landing deck. F802 Zr.Ms. Ms. Kruiser De Ruyter) war ein Kreuzer der De-Zeven-Provinciën-Klasse der Königlich Niederländischen Marine.Sie wurde 1953 in Dienst gestellt und war das neunte Schiff, das nach dem Admiral Michiel de Ruyter benannt wurde. They were built by Rotterdamsche Droogdok Maatschappij (RDM) and Wilton-Fijenoord for the Royal Netherlands Navy.

I love history and military science, so I created this website as a place to share my passion to you.

The ships can reach a maximum speed of 30 knots (35 mph), a range of up to 4,000 nmi (7,400 km) at a fuel economy speed of 18 knots.In order to operate, the frigates needed a crew of 204 sailors and can accommodate an additional 13 aircrews as part of a squadron commander’s staff. It is estimated that each ship costs about 600 million Euro, equivalent to 816 million dollars.The De Zeven Provincien class design emphasizes stealth technology, significantly reducing the radar, thermal, acoustic, electrical and magnetic signatures, helping to hide itself from enemy radars. APAR radar will also be upgraded to have a greater range than 400 km (250 miles).The primary antiaircraft weapons are the point defence Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile and the area defence RIM-66 Standard Missile Block IIIA. The design was an improvement of the earlier HNLMS De Ruyter and both ships were laid down in 1939.

The exterior design of the De Zeven Provincien class is quite similar to the general trend of modern warships. The De Zeven Provinciën class (also called Eendracht class) was a class of light cruisers. In the 1930s there was an increased awareness in the Netherlands about the threat which the Imperial Japanese Navy posed to the Dutch East Indies.

The De Zeven Provinciën-class ships will get the new SMART-L Mk2 radar that can detect ballistic missiles at a range of 2,000 km (1,200 mi). Lista de navios.