Lizzie disagrees and Landon examines her, not finding any slug trails. Lizzie asks where the canes were, but she doesn't know. Sebastian tells her that she doesn't have a choice, however and has laced her wine with blood — similar to how Mikael had turned his children into the first vampires over a thousand years prior. She shows signs of mood swings, self-absorption, and over-possessiveness. She tells Josie to stop, that it isn't her. Lizzie admits that it's fine and asks her to take her usual place. In Lass sie gehen erkennt ihr Onkel Kai Parker, dass Jo schwanger ist.
She is approached by the members of the school who previously resented her, but are now happy to see she is not dead. Jetzt Luk Angebote vergleichen und günstig online kaufen Lucas Luke Parker ist der Sohn von Joshua Parker, der zweieiige Zwillingsbruder von Olivia Parker, Bruder von Josette Parker und Kai Parker.Außerdem ist er der Onkel von Lizzie und Josie Saltzman und ein extrem mächtiger Hexer.
She later tells MG that the two of them are not a good match as she is interested in someone else — but does not reveal this to be Sebastian. Ebenso scheint sie sehr neidisch auf die gute Beziehung zwischen So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas.
Penelope raises her hands to attack with a spell, but Hope is quicker.
Lizzie, being nice, doesn't want to change because it's what they win with every year.
She apologizes and tells Alaric that she didn't mean to do it. Her progress was temporarily thwarted when Although people describe Lizzie's personality and possibly even her appearance compared to being a "mean girl," she is a beautiful, young woman with light skin, blue eyes, and blonde hair.
Following this, Lizzie wakes up in the middle of the night after numerous dreams about The Keeper reveals to the two that the only way for the two to leave the game is if one of them takes her place — becoming trapped in the game — whilst the other is set free. Startled and afraid, Lizzie runs, however she is no match for Sebastian's speed, and he manages to catch her. Hope confronts Josie and Penelope at the abandoned mill. Confronting Josie, Lizzie prepares to Merge and when MG tells her to siphon him for extra power, she kisses him much to his surprise. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The two talk, and it becomes clear that MG has actually been sent by Hope to convince Lizzie to return to the Salvatore School; Lizzie eventually agrees despite initial reluctance. Lizzie was born on March 15, 2014 and is the daughter of Alaric and Jo, being part of a set of twins with Josie.
Lizzie confronts them, questioning why they weren't with the other students. Alaric stops him, and offers him a second chance, however Sebastian uses this as an opportunity to mock Alaric, citing that Lizzie will never be safe as long as he is alive. Weitere Ideen zu Vampire diares, Filme, Vampire diaries the originals.
Smith's novel series of the same name.Some of the characters appeared in the spin-off series, The Originals. Lizzie takes an immediate liking to him and enthusiastically gives him a tour of the school, with Josie. As the witches prepare for their number, Lizzie confronts Josie and the witches. Caroline attempts to take the cup, though she grabs Caroline by the wrist and siphons her until she pulls away. For now, Lizzie doesn't return said-feelings for MG, but it is shown that it frustrates her whenever MG flirts with other girls, whether they be human or supernatural.
MG enters with Sebastian, and Lizzie thinks that she is having another episode, however Josie reveals that she too can see Sebastian, who is revealed to be real.
TVD - Alaric & Jo's twins, Josie & Lizzie, shown in a flash forward in episode 704, do an interview with the CW.