Le TCG Anadolu numéro de coque L408, avec sa sistership le TCG Trakya (à l'étude), est un Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) de la marine turque, de la classe Anadolu.Sa construction a officiellement débuté le 30 avril 2016 au chantier SEDEF, dans la baie de Tuzla.Son premier déploiement opérationnel est prévu pour fin 2020.
Enter your email address to subscribe to Naval News and receive notifications of new posts by email.Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Note. The starting point of the fire was tracked to occur inside The fire which erupted on board the carrier was, according to Fleetmon first noticed either late Monday night (April 29) or early in the morning of April 30. Its maximum speed will be 21.5 knots (in “light aircraft carrier” configuration) or 29 knots (in “LHD” configuration); while its maximum range will be 9000 miles at economical speed.She will have a 5,440 m² flight deck and a 990 m² aviation hangar which can accommodate either 12 medium size helicopters or 8 CH-47F Chinook heavy-lift helicopters. It is to be named after the region of Anatolia (Anadolu in Turkish), which forms the core of Turkey. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. The Turkish first aircraft carrier TCG ANADOLU (L-408), Yapımı tamamlandığında Türk Deniz Kuvvetlerinin amiral gemisi olacak geminin yapımı için 2014 yılında çalışmalara başlanmıştır. Enter your email address to subscribe to Naval News and receive notifications of new posts by email.Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. TCG ANADOLU was taken to the “pocket” dock for harbour test preparations after the completion of the main propulsion and propulsion system integration.” DIP tweeted.Within the scope of the Multi-Purpose Amphibious Assault Ship (LHD) project initiated by DIP, the construction of the TCG ANADOLU ship started. Voci correlate. Источник: рис. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience.Turkey’s indigenously-built LHD “TCG ANADOLU” to start harbour trials“Naval News” is an online defense media company, focused on Warships, Submarines, Naval Air, Marines, Coast Guard and Naval Missiles. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website.
Its maximum speed will be 21.5 knots (in “light aircraft carrier” configuration) or 29 knots (in “LHD” configuration); while its maximum range will be 9000 miles at economical speed.She will have a 5,440 m² flight deck and a 990 m² aviation hangar which can accommodate either 12 medium size helicopters or 8 CH-47F Chinook heavy-lift helicopters. Alternatively, the ship can carry up to 12 F-35B (though Additionally, the ship will have a 1,880 m² light cargo garage for TEU containers and 27 Amphibious Assault Vehicles (AAV); a 1,165 m² dock which can host four Landing Craft Mechanized (LCM) or two Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC), or two Landing Craft Vehicle Personnel (LCVP); and a 1,410 m² garage for heavy loads, which can host 29 Main Battle Tanks (MBT), Amphibious Assault Vehicles, and TEU containers.İstanbul Sedef Tersanesi’nde yapımı süren ve geçen yıl denize indirilen Çok Maksatlı Amfibi Hücum Gemimiz ANADOLU’da yeni bir aşamaya geçildi. TCG Anadolu (L-408) is an amphibious assault ship (LHD) of the Turkish Navy that can be configured as a light aircraft carrier. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. and 12 helicopters in “light aircraft carrier” configuration, keel (LHD) / light aircraft carrier, displacement around 26000 tons, up to 12 F-35Bs You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies.
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TCG Anadolu (L-408) é un buque de asalto anfibio tipo LHD que está a se construído en Turquía polos estaleiros SEDEF para a Armada de Turquía. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. It is named after the peninsula of Anatolia (Turkish: Anadolu) which forms the majority of the land mass of Turkey. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. spread "L-408" and it was written as such even to Wikipedia, which was later corrected, but "L-408" sticked in some media publications.
Maritime First Newspaper is a liberal Nigeria maritime online news aggregator and blog. In the statement, it was stated that the main drive and propulsion system integration of TCG Anadolu, which will be delivered to the Navy at the end of 2020, has been completed.“Our Multipurpose Amphibious Assault Ship TCG ANADOLU, which is under construction in Istanbul Sedef Shipyard and launched last year, has begun a new phase. The vessel is intended to meet the various needs and r… Το συμβόλαιο για την σχεδίαση και την μεταφορά τεχνογωσίας για το TCG Anadolu (L-408) υπογράφτηκε μεταξύ του τουρκικού ΥΦΥΠΑΜ για τις αμυντικές βιομηχανίες και της ισπανικής Navantia το 2015. Recibe su nombre en honor a la península de Anatolia (en Turco: Anadolu). This website uses cookies to improve your experience.