) Stacks last 4s, and stack up to 8 times. ( 1Array
In the games where i did build full damage for the first three items, I was getting blown uo pretty quickly when I was caught off guard... so maybe hyper aggressive isnt always the best path. Immune to the knock up from the first part of [[hook slam]]. However, I like the health steal from ethereal. [scoreVal] => 5 Financial difficulties, faulty materials, and unhappiness plague their every action. [notes] => [4] => Array Witchblade is provides a AA-debuff aura. Those are a bit more beginner friendly.Try the selfish tank build or the first bruiser build.
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. ) [scoreVal] => 3 ( Winged Blade is to counter gods/teams with slows. You're immune to his ultimate's execute (but it can still do its base damage to you). [notes] => Find him with [[submerge]] when he goes invisible. [url] => nox [scoreVal] => 5 ) You're immune to his ultimate's execute (but it can still do its base damage to you). [url] => nu-wa [3] => Array
[god_id] => 60
[url] => loki
Immune to the knock up from the first part of [[hook slam]]. [notes] => Can silence you out of your [[consuming bellow]] combo. ( ) [god_id] => 59
May need a [[pestilence]] in there too. His [[earthbreaker]] and [[driving strike]] set you up to take more damage from his team.
No I said Midgardian instead of WITCH BLADE not WINGED BLADE. [god] => Array He has to be up close to do his damage (1 3 2 combo). Learn how to play a new god, or fine tune your favorite SMITE gods’s build and strategy.Gulf explained things pretty well. [[tectonic rift]] stuns you and blocks your movement. [god_id] => 22 [notes] => You don't have to post a screen shot.Just the Tip: Being a Big Snek in "tight" situations (WIP)If you trust your team, these are good to consider. 1Array “You must save him!” [scoreVal] => 2
Array [god] => Array [notes] => He has a cripple (not a problem for you since you don't have a leap), a powerful slow, and a protection shredder in his kit. [display_name] => Xing Tian [god_id] => 28 ) ( [[winged blade]] can help with the slow from [[shackles]]. [god] => Array [scoreVal] => 4 r/Smite: Smite is a third-person multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios on PC, XB1, PS4 and Switch. [notes] => The perfect example of using your own passive against you. [0] => Array ( [tiny] => Array You're in for some pain if his team follows up. ( [url] => loki It is spring; the world awakens from darkness and death to grow green again. Once that debuff runs out, you no longer receive the debuff, even if you stay in the [[pillar of agony]].
[url] => susano [scoreVal] => 4
[url] => fenrir Pythag's could be interesting, as DV-8 also talked about it. I'd give a slight edge to midgardian over witchblade on JormI'd give a slight edge to midgardian over witchblade on JormAlso another thing, I feel midgardian is better against ranged AA, while Witchblade is better against Melee AA (in terms of the AA debuff, not the slow - which only midgardian has).Also another thing, I feel midgardian is better against ranged AA, while Witchblade is better against Melee AA (in terms of the AA debuff, not the slow - which only midgardian has).Magical Lifesteal applies to both magical basic attacks and abilities. )
[scoreVal] => 3 )
[notes] =>
Would like to follow up on my ^ above two comments.
) [display_name] => Thor [god] => Array His only threat to you is full Array
) [god] => Array
[scoreVal] => 4 Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts [notes] =>
( Hunter, guardian, destroyer, menace; the Crocodile God, Sobek, swims where the Nile takes him and owes allegiance to no one. Yea you get ksed a lot as jorm. [display_name] => Fenrir [url] => thor Mystical is a bit more on the tanky side but can function as a good bruiser option if you can utilize the passive effectively.True, those items don't provide protections, But that's what breastplate, void stone, and mantle are for, if you look at the main build.I think the mystical mail might have been a legit discussion topic. 2 different items. ) ( Her Ult CAN kill you while you are using [[the world serpent]]. [scoreVal] => 3 1 Also why spirit robe second item? [1] => Array
or sold late game?@Kriega. [display_name] => Kumbhakarna 1Array [god_id] => 3 [god] => Array It did in PTS but that was a "bug" (*cough* developer oversight), and was why Telkhines Ring on Jorm was one of the most broken things you could witness.I can certainly add it.