Die Software diente zur Ersteinrichtung, Aktivierung und natürlich für Backups. Even after I'm going to talk about a nifty workaround that will let you switch the default iPhone backup location, either to an external storage drive or to another internal directory on your Mac. Möchten Sie Ihr iPhone- oder iPad-Backup sichern oder einzelne Daten extrahieren, benötigen Sie den Speicherort der Dateien. iTunes erlaubt es Ihnen gleichzeitig nicht, den Speicherort der Datei frei zu wählen. To do this in Finder, simply click on "Manage Backups." Hinweis:Wegen des Dateiformats, erlaubt es iTunes Ihnen nicht, iPhone-Backupdateien auf dem Mac oder unter Windows anzusehen. To remove a backup, click on the backup, then on "Delete Backup," and then on "Delete" in the pop-up that appears.By default, Finder only keeps a single backup of your iPhone on your Mac, in most cases. He plays around with Python code in his spare time. Whenever you create a new backup, the previous one is overwritten, but you can change the setting of your backup to keep it archived on your computer in case you ever want to restore your device using an older backup.. Dementsprechend ist Ihre Festplatte oft mit großen Mengen an statischen Daten gefüllt. One major change is that iTunes is going away.
But without iTunes, what app's in charge of interfacing with your iPhone? Be the First to Comment Der Speicherort für Backups von iPhone- und iPad-Daten lässt sich hingegen nicht ändern. Otherwise, the symlink will fail to work.With the help of symlinks, it's more than possible to back up your iPhone to another location on your Mac. Click to share your thoughts Then you are ready to start backing up your iPhone to the new location.Once a successful backup is performed, you can safely delete the Backup.old folder (the one that you renamed earlier) within the MobileSync directory. Backups are stored in a hidden location of your user profile, specifically inside a folder labeled Backup, which in turn is located within another folder named MobileSync.To switch backups to another location, you must use a workaround that involves That means we are going to 'trick' Finder into taking a backup of your iPhone to the location of your choosing, be it to an external storage drive or a different internal directory. Wie kann ich sie auf einer externen Festplatte ablegen? Wenn du jetzt Fotos oder Videos importierst, lässt die App „Fotos“ die Dateien an ihrem ursprünglichen Speicherort und … So tighten your seat belts, and let's get started.Starting macOS Catalina, it's the Finder app and not iTunes that backs up your iPhone to the Mac via USB or Wi-Fi.
Apple said goodbye to iTunes with the release of macOS Catalina, breaking up music, videos, and podcasts into their own respective apps, Music, TV, and Podcasts. Da müsst ihr … Datum: 19.10.2016. ist es danach auch möglich dass die zukünftigen ios backups in diesen ordner automatisch auf der externen Festplatte gespeichert werden? To do this, scroll down to the bottom of the You can free up storage space on your Mac by deleting old or duplicate backups. A lock icon next to the backup name means the backup is archived. However, you can still back up an iPhone without iTunes and restore an iPhone without iTunes, …
© 2019 WonderHowTo, Inc. A window with all of your backups will appear, showing the name of the device and the date and time it was backed up.
hallo, ich weiss dass ich den backup ordner mit den ios Dateien auf eine externe Festplatte kopieren kann.
If your backup is encrypted, you may be asked to enter your passcode on your iPhone to begin the backup.It won't be very noticeable that you're backing up your device, but you'll know it's working by the icon next to your iPhone's name in Finder: first, semi-circles rotating around each other (processing), and then a circle filling up (backing up). I'm going to choose the root of an external drive named "Files" as my preferred location.After adding Terminal to the Full Disk Access list, exit the Security & Privacy window.Once you've executed the command, the symbolic link should be active and functional.Everything looks fine? Mein iPhone hat 512 GByte Speicher, mein MacBook nur 256 GByte.