make clear synonym

: Today's newspapers dropped a bomb about the President's past.take a decision based on one's subjective conclusions, when objective evidence is not available E.g: I wondered all day long how to solve this problem and it suddenly hit me...I had to talk to trend in computing to take into account the environmental aspect when designing You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...) Top synonyms for make clear (other words for make clear) are make it clear, clarify and explain.

You can complete the list of synonyms of make clear given by the English Thesaurus dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster... explain verb (explains, explained, explaining) make explicit verb (makes explicit, made explicit, making explicit) make clear verb (makes clear, made clear, making clear) Conjugations for make clear…

assemble, build, compose, constitute, construct, create, fabricate, fashion, forge, form, frame, manufacture, mould, originate, produce, put together, shape, synthesizeaccomplish, beget, bring about, cause, create, effect, engender, generate, give rise to, lead to, occasion, producecause, coerce, compel, constrain, dragoon, drive, force, impel, induce, oblige, press, pressurize, prevail upon, railroadappoint, assign, create, designate, elect, install, invest, nominate, ordainadd up to, amount to, compose, constitute, embody, form, representact, carry out, do, effect, engage in, execute, perform, practise, prosecutecalculate, estimate, gauge, judge, reckon, suppose, thinkacquire, clear, earn, gain, get, net, obtain, realize, secure, take in, winarrive at, arrive in time for, attain, catch, get to, meet, reachget on, get somewhere, prosper, pull through, succeed, survivebrand, build, character, composition, constitution, construction, cut, designation, form, kind, make-up, mark, model, shape, sort, structure, style, type, varietycast of mind, character, disposition, frame of mind, humour, kidney, make-up, nature, stamp, temper, temperamentact as if or though, affect, feign, feint, give the impression that, make a show of, pretendcharade, dream, fantasy, imagination, play-acting, pretence, unrealitydream, fantasized, fantasy, imaginary, imagined, made-up, mock, pretend, pretended, sham, unrealact as if or though, dream, enact, fantasize, imagine, play, play-act, pretendcope, get along or by, improvise, manage, muddle through, scrape along or byaim for, be bound for, head for or towards, proceed towards, steer (a course) forassail, assault, attack, fall on, fly at, go for, have a go atbe conducive to, conduce to, contribute to, facilitate, favour, promotedescry, detect, discern, discover, distinguish, espy, perceive, recognize, seecomprehend, decipher, fathom, follow, grasp, perceive, realize, see, suss (out)complete, draw up, fill in or out, inscribe, write (out)assert, claim, let on, make as if or though, pretendarrangement, assembly, composition, configuration, constitution, construction, form, format, formation, organization, structurebuild, cast of mind, character, constitution, disposition, figure, frame of mind, make, nature, stamp, temper, temperamentcreate, devise, dream up, fabricate, formulate, frame, hatch, invent, manufacture, originate, trump up, writeatone, balance, compensate, make amends, offset, recompense, redeem, redress, requitebury the hatchet, call it quits, come to terms, compose, forgive and forget, make peace, mend, reconcile, settle, shake handschoose, come to a decision, decide, determine, make a decision, reach a decision, resolve, settlecourt, curry favour with, flirt with, make overtures to, wooEnglish Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & Thesaurus[Fig.]

E.g. Synonyms for make clear include explain, elucidate, explicate, clarify, communicate, convey, illuminate, demystify, express and shed light on. Synonyms for made clear include established, proved, demonstrated, showed, indicated, signified, signaled, signalled, displayed and exhibited.

assemble, build, compose, constitute, construct, create, fabricate, fashion, forge, form, frame, manufacture, mould, originate, produce, put together, shape, synthesizeaccomplish, beget, bring about, cause, create, effect, engender, generate, give rise to, lead to, occasion, producecause, coerce, compel, constrain, dragoon, drive, force, impel, induce, oblige, press, pressurize, prevail upon, railroadappoint, assign, create, designate, elect, install, invest, nominate, ordainadd up to, amount to, compose, constitute, embody, form, representact, carry out, do, effect, engage in, execute, perform, practise, prosecutecalculate, estimate, gauge, judge, reckon, suppose, thinkacquire, clear, earn, gain, get, net, obtain, realize, secure, take in, winarrive at, arrive in time for, attain, catch, get to, meet, reachget on, get somewhere, prosper, pull through, succeed, survivebrand, build, character, composition, constitution, construction, cut, designation, form, kind, make-up, mark, model, shape, sort, structure, style, type, varietycast of mind, character, disposition, frame of mind, humour, kidney, make-up, nature, stamp, temper, temperamentact as if or though, affect, feign, feint, give the impression that, make a show of, pretendcharade, dream, fantasy, imagination, play-acting, pretence, unrealitydream, fantasized, fantasy, imaginary, imagined, made-up, mock, pretend, pretended, sham, unrealact as if or though, dream, enact, fantasize, imagine, play, play-act, pretendcope, get along or by, improvise, manage, muddle through, scrape along or byaim for, be bound for, head for or towards, proceed towards, steer (a course) forassail, assault, attack, fall on, fly at, go for, have a go atbe conducive to, conduce to, contribute to, facilitate, favour, promotedescry, detect, discern, discover, distinguish, espy, perceive, recognize, seecomprehend, decipher, fathom, follow, grasp, perceive, realize, see, suss (out)complete, draw up, fill in or out, inscribe, write (out)assert, claim, let on, make as if or though, pretendarrangement, assembly, composition, configuration, constitution, construction, form, format, formation, organization, structurebuild, cast of mind, character, constitution, disposition, figure, frame of mind, make, nature, stamp, temper, temperamentcreate, devise, dream up, fabricate, formulate, frame, hatch, invent, manufacture, originate, trump up, writeatone, balance, compensate, make amends, offset, recompense, redeem, redress, requitebury the hatchet, call it quits, come to terms, compose, forgive and forget, make peace, mend, reconcile, settle, shake handschoose, come to a decision, decide, determine, make a decision, reach a decision, resolve, settlecourt, curry favour with, flirt with, make overtures to, wooEnglish Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & Thesaurusphrase meant to emphasize the speaker's self-assurance syn. You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...)

E.g. Search make clear and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso.