uss yorktown zwischenfall 1997

Der Hauptauftrag des Schiffes war die Flugabwehr für die Flugzeugträger bereitzustellen. The Japanese had won a tactical victory, inflicting comparatively heavier losses on the Allied force, but the Allies, in stemming the tide of Japan's conquests in the South and Southwest Pacific, had achieved a strategic victory.
After the evacuation of all wounded, the executive officer, Commander By mid-afternoon, the process of reducing topside weight was proceeding well; one 5-inch (127 mm) gun had been dropped over the side and a second was ready to be cast loose, planes had been pushed over the side, and a large quantity of water had been pumped out of engineering spaces. On the morning of 10 March 1942, American carriers launched aircraft from the After carrying out their missions, the American planes returned to their carriers and 103 planes of the 104 launched were back safely on board by noon. Shortly before midnight, Fletcher received word from Australian-based aircraft that Japanese transports were disembarking troops and equipment at Meanwhile, that same day, TF 44, a cruiser-destroyer force under Rear Admiral Crace (RN), joined Elsewhere, to the northward, eleven troop-laden transports—escorted by destroyers and covered by the light carrier On the morning of 6 May, Fletcher gathered all Allied forces under his tactical command as TF 17. 63–67, Millot, p. 118; Dull, p. 135; Lundstrom (2006), p. 203, Ito, pp. After fitting out, the aircraft carrier trained in After undergoing repairs through the early autumn of 1938, The critique of the operation revealed that carrier operations—a part of the scenarios for the annual exercises since the entry of Fleet Problem XXI—a two-part exercise—included some of the operations that would characterize future warfare in the Pacific. Armed with this intelligence, Admiral Nimitz began methodically planning Midway's defense, rushing all possible reinforcement in the way of men, planes and guns to Midway. She was the second U.S. Navy ship named in honor of the American Revolutionary War's Battle of Yorktown.. Yorktown was laid down by William Cramp & Sons of Philadelphia in May 1887 and launched in April 1888. Over the next few minutes the crew lowered the wounded into life rafts and struck out for the nearby destroyers and cruisers to be picked up by their boats, abandoning ship in good order. The second phase included training in With the retention of the Fleet in Hawaiian waters after the conclusion of Fleet Problem XXI, During the night, the American ships intercepted strong German radio signals, indicating submarines probably in the vicinity reporting the group.

Dollar durchgeführt wurde.

When it reached 26 degrees, Buckmaster and Aldrich agreed that capsizing was imminent.

Die Yorktown war ihre gesamte Dienstzeit an der Atlantikküste der Vereinigten Staaten stationiert und befuhr neben dem Atlantik auch die Karibik, das Mittel- und Schwarze Meer sowie das Europäische Nordmeer.

The prior precaution of smothering the gasoline system with carbon dioxide undoubtedly prevented the gasoline from igniting. While the ship recovered from the damage inflicted by the dive-bombing attack, her speed dropped to 6 knots (11 km/h; 6.9 mph); and then at 14:40, about 20 minutes after the bomb hit that had shut down most of the boilers, Simultaneously, with the fires controlled sufficiently to warrant the resumption of fueling, The list, meanwhile, continued to increase. Die Direkt nach dem Einsatz lief das Schiff wieder in die Der Grund für die frühe Außerdienststellung nach nur 20 Dienstjahren (die normale Dienstdauer eines Kreuzers liegt bei 30 Jahren) ist, dass das Schiff noch mit den zwei Doppelstartern ausgerüstet war, während alle Einheiten der Klasse ab CG-52 stattdessen ein moderneres
Definitions of USS Yorktown (CG-48), synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of USS Yorktown (CG-48), analogical dictionary of USS Yorktown (CG-48) (German)