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Offizielle Facebook-Seite von Kevin Temme (Big Brother 2015) Post Big Brother Trivia. 8/5/2020 1:05 PM PT 8/5/2020 1:23 PM PT

Kevin opened the first Pandora's Box in Big Brother history. Get TMZ breaking news sent right to your browser! ; Kevin was the first openly gay male contestant to reach the Final Three.

8/6/2020 1:00 AM PT So far, stay at home dad Kevin Schlehuber is a Big Brother 19 contestant who stands out to me right off the bat. Beloved Big Brother 19 cast member Kevin Schlehuber shared his cancer diagnosis on Instagram in an effort to raise awareness and encourage his … 8/5/2020 3:23 PM PT He is best known for his humor and wittiness, which made him become liked by his housemates, for forgetting people's names, and for his friendship with Jason Dent.He was also the reason Paul Abrahamian returned to the game. 8/5/2020 3:10 PM PT Later in the post, he emphasized, "Again, PLEASE get checked, it can save your life!

Kevin Francis Schlehuber was a HouseGuest on Big Brother 19 (US).. 8/5/2020 3:52 PM PT "He did not reveal any more specifics about his cancer diagnosis, but Kevin continued to be the positive Ramses Soto and Kevin took their tight bond beyond the Kevin captured the hearts of the viewers the second he stepped into the Nevertheless, Kevin did not share his diagnosis in a quest for sympathy.

Hopefully his social media followers will heed his warnings about the importance of regular doctors visits and testing to catch cancer in its early stages. 8/5/2020 12:05 PM PT 8/6/2020 12:10 AM PT

8/6/2020 12:20 AM PT Here are the 16 cast members for Big Brother season 22, the first all-stars season since 2006, premiering Wednesday, August 5 at 9 p.m. ET/PT on CBS. She says they're a nice, hardworking family and she's appalled her husband's season of "Big Brother" has turned so ugly ... mostly due to Jason. 8/6/2020 12:01 AM PT 8/5/2020 3:07 PM PT He was followed by Andy Herren from Big Brother 15 and Jason Roy during Big Brother: Over The Top.

8/5/2020 1:41 PM PT 8/5/2020 5:26 PM PT Deborah also calls BS on Jason's family's apology and claim that the jokes were taken out of context -- because it would never cross her husband's mind to say something so horrible.Kevin and Deborah have 7 children together -- 6 of them girls -- and she works as a neonatal nurse in Boston.