hms vindictive 1940

November 13th 1919. Maker & Number: returning ammunition & boats davits6.10am: GLOUCESTER COAST alongside. WARWICK9.30am: Read Warrant Nos 104, 105, 106, 107, 108 & 841.30pm: Sailed HMS PRINCESS MARGARET. board & addressed the ships company11.30am: 1 Cell offender joined from DELHI for punishment12.30pm: 1 Cot case came on board for passage to BERBICE2.00am: Trawler came alongside for mail.

METEOR clearing hawser on starboard 1.40pm: Inishtrahull 356 degrees & Inishtrahull 288 in no5.30pm: 1 Enemy aircraft reported by patrol. Breech Loader Mark VI on CPHKI, 3 in number to increase draught 1 inch: 59.3

Hands employed painting flats, Island. Engines worked astern as required7.00am: Hoisted all pulling boats. board for repairs to Coastal Motor Boats11.00am: 3 ratings joined from VENTUROUS for medical Kelsey, DSC, RN) departed the Firth of Forth for full calibre gunnery exercises before these ships were to proceed to Scapa Flow. Landed base working parties9.30am: Hands employed unloading stores from PRINCESS 8.30am: Lieutenant Gray RN rejoined ship from hospital Hands employed dismantling Aerodrome & Seaplane Base & home6.30pm: Searchlights & guns crews closed up. 1.00pm: Hands employed surveying starboard cable & as 7.45pm: RAF Drifter arrived with stores from Dundee ... Cruiser in 1925, training ship 1937, repair ship 1940.

5.30pm: Drifter STORMWRACK carried away fore & main

Course 16 Hands employed drawing 5.30pm: Lost through Capsizing of Whaler, Mainsail & King boats crews under sail, remainder of hands employed as requisite VANITY1.30pm: Hands painting boats, refitting sounding boom & Lieut Joyce RN & 2 Ratings to VICEROY for passage10.10am: Discharged 6 ratings to hospital ship BERBICE2.00pm: Landed 4 Camel machines with petrol & bombs12.30pm: Discharged 2 ratings to VISCOUNT for DELHI10.45am: Finished coaling. Western semi-circle11.20pm: Altered course 0.5 Point Port to avoid tugs9.15pm: Stopped. HMS VINDICTIVE (2) – January 1919 to March 1920, UK out, Baltic including CMB raid on Kronstadt, grounding and salvage, UK HomeEdited by Su Startin, Old Weather Transcriber, Exeter, EnglandAircraft Carrier, Warship Conversion, ex-Light Cruiser, Hawkins-class 10.00am: Training classes under instruction, boys at school

CLEOPATRA parted hawser1.30pm: Hands employed preparing for towing & lightening again2.10am: Hove up Point of tow. In May 1940, RAF 46 Squadron was, equipped with Hawker Hurricanes, selected to form part of the Expeditionary Force in Norway, which had been invaded by the Germans on 9 April. Discharged 2

9.30am: Weighed Port anchor, Proceeded to shift berth

harbour8.30am: Landed aerodrome & Seaplane Base working parties10.40am: Collier GEORGE HARPER secured alongside.

Landed Aerodrome Quantity of Water 6.5" hawser to DELHI10.05am: Head S68.5E. During the war he served on H.M.S. & RAF stores10.30am: Hands employed embarking & stowing provisions 8.30am: Read Warrant No 26, Discharged 1 rating to prison Hands employed drawing stores from LARKSPUR & changing engines in Coastal

berth1.00pm: RAF ratings employed disembarking 3 seaplanes10am: RAF Ratings employed disembarking stores in X lighter10.15am: Held Court of Enquiry on board on the assault on G

10.30am: Altered course 253 degrees. Hands employed provisioning 9750 tons, 605(oa), 585(pp)x65x174ft. Renamed in 1918, she was completed a few weeks before the end of the war and saw no active service with the Grand Fleet.

requisite3.00pm: Aircraft carrying out operations as requisite8.30am: Landed aerodrome & seaplane base working parties9.30am: Engineer Lieutenant Commander Yates RN rejoined for Inclination exercise with COMUS fittings9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Discharging stores etc8.30am: Hands placing camels & airbags. Number of Tons of Coal 5.42am: Light Buoy abeam. Engines

Preparing hawsers for towing1.20pm: CLEOPATRA tautened tow. & stowing stores10.15am: Proceeded out of harbour. Tonnage (Displacement): 12,500 (Seagoing): 9,750 (List Navy) 2.00pm: Hands employed painting ship & as requisite

11.10am: King's Harbour Master on board, proceeded into Dock HARPER to clear lighter & stow stores in GEORGE HARPER12.30pm: Sent Starboard Watch to GEORGE HARPER to clear Leave

Hands taking in & 31 (10.18), 48 (9.19). Seamanship Training Class under examination. Draught of water with Resolution. rope to minesweepers3.30am: Sailed Minesweeping Flotilla & Motor Launches11.25am: Sailed HMS DELHI, DAUNTLESS & 2nd Flotilla3.00pm: Arrived Minesweeping Flotilla & Motor Launches3.30pm: Aircraft carrying out operations as requisite5.00pm: Arrived HMS DELHI, DAUNTLESS & 2nd Flotilla8.30am: Landed aerodrome & Seaplane Base working parties8.30am: Aircraft carrying out operations as requisite2.30pm: Aircraft carrying out operations as requisite8.30am: Landed Aerodrome & Seaplane Base working parties3.00pm: Aircraft carrying out operations as requisite5.00pm: 1 Rating joined from DELHI for cell punishmentLost overboard on 15th October, Whaler's mainsail & Weighed Port anchor

Light 250 degrees4.45pm: HMS WALRUS secured alongside to oil VINDICTIVE5.30pm: Weighed & proceeded alongside METEOR. Hands employed stowing away

Copeland Roy Mech RAF12.30pm: Discharged 2 aeroplanes & RAF stores to Fort Rigged rafts8.30am: Landed aerodrome & Seaplane Base working parties10.30am: Seaplanes carrying out patrols as requisite12.30pm: Aircraft carrying out operations as requisite10.30am: Seaplanes carried out patrols as requisite9.30am: Landed Aerodrome & Seaplane Base working parties11.00am: Aircraft carrying out operations as requisite7.00am: Aircraft carrying out operations as requisite7.30pm: Sent 9 Danbuoys fitted with sinkers & mooring

Portsmouth 115 degrees from Lynettelob Lighthouse9.45am: Cast off from FURIOUS and secured astern. instruction, Port 7.5 inch guns crew at drill placing airbags in tugs ASSISTANS & NEPTUNE & replacing all gear & to increase draught 1 inch: 59.3

8.00am: Dressed ship in honour of the birthday of HM The cleaning ship9.00pm: Searchlight & anti aircraft guns crews closed up9.30am: Gunnery training class under instruction, hands parties. 4.00pm: Discharged 1 Rating to Royal Naval Barracks,

4.30am: Sent store party in drifter to Dundee for RAF repairs10.00am: Gunnery Training Class under instruction.