grosser kurfürst enhanced main armaments
[O-MAD] Genauso darf jeder Fragen stellen und einen Thread erstellen. However, the Kriegsmarine continued to develop plans and design studies for new battleships. Kommt drauf an wie du Fleiß verstehst. Enhanced Damage Control System (X Montana, Slot 5): (Tier I+) Main Armaments Modification 1. Cruiser. The original diesel-only system of the H-39 was replaced by a hybrid diesel and steam turbine arrangement. Enhanced Damage Control System (X Montana, Slot 5): Hallo, wollte Fragen was alles in der Einzigartigen Version der Verbesserten Hauptbewaffnung drinnen ist (Hab die Möglichkeit mittels eines mehrstufigen Auftrages diese Verbesserung zu kriegen) Ich würde das die normale Vorgehensweise nennen, erst suche ich selber nach der Info und wenn ich sie nach einiger nicht selber finde dann frage ich jemanden. Enhanced Damage Control System (X MONTANA, Slot 5):

Enhanced Damage Control System (Montana, fifth slot) The bonus reducing fire extinguishing time has been decreased from 15 to 10%. The project was developed based on combat experience and featured powerful torpedo protection, enhanced horizontal armor and more advanced AA guns.Due to her size she possesses an effective array of secondaries along with two pairs of guns — the same caliber as her predecessor Her AA is fairly typical of other German battleships, with an adequate long range punch that sadly does not follow through as planes come closer to the ship itself.
Diese englische Wiki ist im übrigen immer recht aktuell und eine gute Quelle für alle möglichen Infos, erreichbar über die Topleiste der Wargamingseiten (muss man dann aber von Hand auf englisch umstellen) und nebenbei schützt sie auch noch die dünne Haut gegen Forenechos.

Hab sie zwar nicht aber bei den Amis kann man doch mit den Modul +16% Reichweite bekommen was die Maximale Streuung entsprechend erhöht.

Kommt drauf an wie du Fleiß verstehst. Deschimag, which had been awarded the contract for "J", could no longer be used due to the increase in draft, which precluded travel through the shallow Weser.

The guns were supplied with a total of 960 rounds of ammunition or 120 shells per gun; each shell weighed 1,030 kg (2,270 lb). Daten: –15 % Nachladezeit der Hauptbatterie –15 % Nachladezeit der Sekundärbatterie –7 % Drehgeschwindigkeit der Haupttürme –8 % maximale Feuerreichweite der Hauptbatterie The OKM was aware that the British had settled on a 40.6 cm gun for the proposed The ships' main armor decks were substantially strengthened: the deck was increased in thickness from 120 mm (4.7 in) to 200 mm (7.9 in) and the sloped armor at the edges was thickened from 150 mm (5.9 in) to 175 mm (6.9 in). Ich fand den Link von Rusher zumindest lustig, keine Ahnung warum man da so dünnhäutig drauf reagieren muss. The Schiffsneubaukommission (New Ships Construction Commission), intended to liaise with Speer and the OKM, was created and placed under the direction of Admiral Karl Topp. Light forces were sent to recover the vessels, and III Squadron, which was in the North Sea en route to Wilhelmshaven, was ordered to cover them. Following the completion of a new, larger dock at the Kriegsmarinewerft in Wilhelmshaven, work would also be done there. 125000. One of the most significant changes was the decision to bore out the over-sized 40.6 cm guns to 42 cm caliber for the H-41 design. Both of her guns are rather inaccurate at long range, becoming deadly only once they pass the mid range for battleships of ~11km.

Steckt hinter deiner Wortmeldung vielleicht der Anspruch andere zu mehr Fleiß zu erziehen? Selbe Frage gerne nochmal, denn die verlinkte Seite existiert wohl nicht mehr. The unique upgrade Enhanced Main Armaments gives a large -15% boost to both main and secondary armament reload time, at the cost of -7% main turrets traverse speed and -8% main battery maximum firing range. The new parameters of the upgrade will emphasize the ship's role as a universal cruiser capable of completing various tasks. One of the last stages of a battleship design for the German Navy. Ich fand den Link von Rusher zumindest lustig, keine Ahnung warum man da so dünnhäutig drauf reagieren muss.

As detailed design continued into 1942, the OKM planned to begin construction six to nine months after demobilization, initially at Blohm & Voss and the Deutsche Werke shipyard in Kiel. The range penalty from 20.61km to 18.96km is especially difficult. The new variant of the upgrade offers more aggressive gameplay with an accent on consumables and main battery instead of the concealment upgrade which involves a safe playstyle. The Commission did not discuss its activities with Raeder or his successor, Admiral Karl Dönitz, or with other branches in the OKM. On 22 January 1915, she and the rest of III Squadron were detached from the fleet to conduct maneuver, gunnery, and torpedo training in the She participated in a fleet advance into the North Sea from 29 until 31 May which ended without combat. Und was macht das mit dir, warum triggerd dich das? Bonus to the main battery reload time was reduced from 12 to 10%; Bonus to the firing range reduced from +8% to +5%.