As avid players of Forge of Empires, the popular browser game by InnoGames, we want to improve the way statistics are presented to players. Server, World, & Player Data and Statistics for Forge of Empires Browser Game. We have tried pinging Forge of Empires website using our server and the website returned the above results. the next update arrives on Wednesday July 8th. in the Stone Age with little more than a few tents, it is your task to show your online strategy game skills and develop your city through the ages of history in this browser based empire game.
Ich wollte mal fragen, ob in naher Zukunft eventuell neue Server geplant sind.
Start playing now! 4. As a chieftain who founds his settlement anno 5000 B.C. J.-C., à l’âge de pierre, avec pour tout point de départ quelques tentes. Forge of Empires Forge of Empires – Un jeu de stratégie en ligne par navigateur ! FoE, is a browser based strategy game developed by InnoGames. Activeer JavaScript voordat je deze website gebruiktKies tussen elfen en mensen en bouw een mystieke stad in een fantasiewereld!Warlords of Aternum - stel je tactiek op de proef in een epische fantasiewereldNeem het op in het ultieme strijdveld tegen epische wezens en tirannieke vijanden!Bouw majestueuze steden, smeed een sterke alliantie, kies je beschermgod en verover de wereld!Heers over de middeleeuwen en leid je volk naar eer en glorie in Tribal Wars!Tribal Wars 2 - bouw en versterk je middeleeuwse kasteelVerken de grenzen van het Wilde Westen en beleef spannende avonturen en duels. Choose between elves and humans and build a mystical city in a fantasy world!Warlords of Aternum - Put your tactics to the test in an epic fantasy universeCompete on the ultimate battleground against epic creatures and tyrannical enemies!Build majestic cities, create a strong alliance, choose your patron god and conquer the world!Become a ruler of the Middle Ages and lead your people to honor and glory in Tribal Wars!Tribal Wars 2 – build and fortify your medieval castleExplore the wild frontier and experience exciting adventures and duels.
Forge Of Empires Hack.
The West awaits you! Read all about it here ... Read more . Do you love to help your guildmates, friends and other players in-game?