drogon rescues daenerys

Ils font quelques tours au-dessus de Winterfell et prennent la direction de Peyredragon. He was stubborn and the hardest to control of his siblings. Game of Thrones 5x09 - Drogon rescues aenerys [HD] Khaleesi. Later, the Master has two slaves place a chest full of gold near Drogon as an offering to Daenerys.

However, Daenerys survives when Arya Stark manages to kill the Night King, causing the wights to die and the army of the dead to be destroyed.

Scared for his safety, the Master tells his slaves to take back the gold and attempt to leave, Drogon stops them in their tracks, hissing and growling, forcing them to leave empty-handed. Game of Thrones 7x01 - … Skip navigation Sign in. Game of Thrones 5x09 - Drogon rescues Daenerys Game of Thrones, Season 5, Episode 9 Ghosts That Hunt Back TV.
Later, Daenerys uses Drogon to burn the entire Iron Fleet in Blackwater Bay during the Battle of King's Landing and then he destroys the gates to the city to let the Northern Armies into the city. Après les fiançailles de Daenerys et la réouverture des arènes de combat, Drogon sauve Daenerys et ses alliés des Il dépose Daenerys dans son nid sur une colline.

Game of Thrones 5x09 - Drogon rescues Daenerys.

Drogon then takes Daenerys away to his lair in the Dothraki sea, where he kills a horse, only for them to encounter Khal Jhaqo, one of Khal Drogo's former Blood-riders.

There, he discovers Jon holding Daenerys in his arms and grieving.

In the months afterwards, Drogon is mentioned to be flying towards Volantis, whereupon the newly elected king of Westeros, Bran Stark, decides to use his magic to search for the dragon.

Drogon tries to wake her, but to no avail, and snarls angrily at Jon.

Here Drogon scorched the Sons of the Harpy with his firey breath to save Daenerys – and it was real fire. Drogon was the most aggressive and least shy of all three of Daenerys' dragons. A fighter named Herghaz attacks and nearly slays him before Drogon kills him, and Daenerys then, seeing her "child" in danger, subdues him with a whip before mounting and riding him for the first time. Après la conquête de Meereen, Drogon brûle un troupeau de chèvres. Ses navires ont équipés de scorpions et Rhaegal est mortellement blessé. The masters foolishly mention slaughtering the dragons during the dictation of terms, which angers their mother.

Kristina R 52,842,940 views. Ses écailles sont noires, certaines rougeâtres, ses ailes sont larges et parcheminées, ses yeux sont orangés.

Lorsque Daenerys apprend que ses alliés sont soit morts soit emprisonnés, elle décide de partir avec une autre partie de son armée de Dothrakis et Drogon afin d'attaquer l'armée Lannister qui a pris Les Dothrakis surgissent en galopant. Drogon, now about the size of a large dog, aggressively barks and snaps at the Master when he gets too close to Daenerys. Drogon is part of the payment that Daenerys agrees to in order to pay for all A man appears before Daenerys in her throne room, carrying a sack with bones in it, claiming it is his child When the fighting pits are re-opened, Drogon appears above When the negotiation goes sour, Drogon growls at the Slave Master for threatening Daenerys. Kristina R 9,321,695 views. Viserion and his brothers burn and destroy many of the wights while Jon and his party mount Drogon with Daenerys and the captured wight.

Plus tard, lorsque sa mère lance une offensive sur Après la dévastation, il dépose sa mère devant son armée puis grimpe sur un mur en ruines. Ils sont postés sur une hauteur à l'écart du château. In appearance, Drogon was black with red wings, eyes, and frills, and his flames were similar in color.

Comme ils sont au sol, des spectres bondissent sur le dragon. He leaves after she dismounts from his back and remains nearby until she departs. 4:25. * DIVULGATION : Certains des liens ci-dessus sont des liens d'affiliation, ce qui signifie que, sans frais supplémentaires pour vous, Fandom percevra une commission si vous cliquez et effectuez un achat.Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence Wiki Game of Thrones est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Télévision. While the two talk, Daenerys throws a piece of meat to Viserion, and Drogon attempts to steal it from his brother.