The focus is usually conveyed through highlighting. ci 1. a.
– a central point or locus of an infection in an organism Synonyms for "focus" in Englisch including definitions, and related words. in reference to various types of focuses or a collection of focuses. – A feature of Office Communications Server or Lync Server that manages conference state. Konjugation Verb auf Englisch focus: Partizip, Präteritum, Indikativ, unregelmäßige Verben. Liste gängiger Verben: – a central point or locus of an infection in an organism – the concentration of attention or energy on something Clear and intuitive lessons provide an exams-orientated learning path for both state and private school students. For more information see our Cookie Policy.Cookie Policy. The Word Store, unique to Focus, helps …
– a fixed reference point on the concave side of a conic section – maximum clarity or distinctness of an image rendered by an optical system ‘Focus on the other festivities and don't make food the focus of the evening.’ ‘It's pretty hard to focus on issues beyond oneself, if the primary focus is the next notch on the bed frame.’ ‘We focus on parentage because it is the primary focus of published literature and it is the easiest level of ancestry to understand.’
Definition und die Übersetzung im Kontext von focus
– bring into focus or alignment; to converge or cause to converge; of ideas or emotions
– a fixed reference point on the concave side of a conic section
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Continuing to use this website gives consent to cookies being used. focus definition: 1. the main or central point of something, especially of attention or interest: 2. – a point of convergence of light (or other radiation) or a point from which it diverges The focus is usually conveyed through highlighting. The distinctness or clarity of an image rendered by an optical system. The noun focus can be countable or uncountable.. Synonyms for singular focus include laser-like focus, needle-like focus, exceptional focus, incredible focus, remarkable focus and clear focus. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will be foci.. – the concentration of attention or energy on something However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be focuses e.g. – A temporary property of a user-interface object, such as a window, view, dialog box, or button, that permits the object to receive keyboard input from the user. – A feature of Office Communications Server or Lync Server that manages conference state. – bring into focus or alignment; to converge or cause to converge; of ideas or emotions – a point of convergence of light (or other radiation) or a point from which it diverges – A temporary property of a user-interface object, such as a window, view, dialog box, or button, that permits the object to receive keyboard input from the user. – maximum clarity or distinctness of an image rendered by an optical system Werkzeugkiste:
Find more similar words at! FOCUS is a five-level course for upper-secondary students, structured to promote motivation, memory and meaning. b. This website uses cookies.