A search begins in the area of emotion whether explosion took place neither body No wreckage found Jane Soto meter has started to recover Seven passengers seriously hurt the worst injury a skull fracture but how have the rest survived at the moment of decompression is just their seat belts which made the difference between life and death loud noise just the whole thing come apart and First, they thought were all gone We were faster. Go ahead Can't communicate with the passengers of when we land Okay, you're going to need an ambulance correct during the descent passengers experience moments of pure terror The plane kept vibrating and shaking The luggage racks are falling in and there was electrical wires fight around zapping and you know pretty much pandemonium It looks like the plane was ripping in half Suddenly there's a new problem for the flight crew to handle We have fight annual reversion once The flight control feel like Daniel reversion it feels to the pilot is the ironic systems like power steering in an automobile have now failed The air frame is under great stress they need to learn as soon as possible Can we maintain altitude? We're in a tremendous best of win. - two knots 280 - As the airplane slows it becomes much harder to control and so the pilot has to make another crucial cool speeding up to keep control means he'll hit the runway faster than he should He gambles the highest speed landing is still the best option Our approach. On April 28, 1988, a Boeing 737-297 serving the flight suffered extensive damage after an explosive decompression in flight, but … All entered See most of us are we lost a lot more but there's something else at the most critical moment Maui's notorious high winds died away I was amazing seeing in front of the few sal Lodge miss. Get there by chasing killer waves Just occasionally faith puts ordinary people not just thrill seekers into that same deadly zone where life hangs by a thread On the afternoon of April 20, -eighth 1980, -, eight it will happen in the At one PM Aloha Airlines flight 243 is preparing to depart a Boeing 737 is on the tarmac at Heathrow Airport on Hawaii's Big Island The Southern most of the Hawaii chain flight 243 will be just a 30 - five -minute hop to Honolulu on the island of Oahu serving the islands means that aloha works its airplanes hard. She was next to me and they are reaching their hands out and trying to touch fingers to say goodbye I was I was a really touching moment for me. Here is done Okay.
The only thing that was holding the forward section cockpit to the rest of the fuselage where the floor beams Basically, they're hanging by a threat from a close study of the fuselage crash. Of the 95 people onboard there was one fatality (the flight attendant) and eight serious injuries.The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) determined that the probable cause of the accident was the failure of the Aloha Airlines maintenance program to detect the presence of significant disbonding and fatigue damage of the fuselage skin lap splice. Five only seconds have passed since the explosion The wind noise makes it impossible for the flight crew to communicate Now for the first time they gain a sense of what's happened visible over amount of tangled debris There's blue sky where the airplane roof used to be the first five rows on our completely exposed to the sky on both sides of the plane The initial threat of being sucked out is passed since the Athens now completely pressurized but passengers are still in danger My seat mate was flopping out outside the aircraft cuz at that point it was just the floor and no walls receiving and so I grabbed him the cold and oxygen deprivation of both potentially deadly Just imagine the scene up there The top of the airplane broken off the passengers don't have any Ready to get supplemental oxygen because the critical tubing that feeds that oxygen is now gone and a 20 - 4000 feet with very little debris up there. Rescue teams prepare themselves for worst case scenario at high speed and without the nose gear a crash landing followed by catastrophic fuel fire now seems inevitable Under these conditions the lack of the nose gear could have been a death sentence for everybody aboard this aircraft Boeing 737 with 95 people on board has suffered an explosive decompression near the Hawaiian island of Maui It's still airborn but onlyjust with 30 -, five square meters of fuselage missing from the As they prepare for an emergency landing warning lights indicate that the forward landing gear has not deployed if so the airplane will most likely crash and burn In the 12 horrifying minutes since the explosion some passengers are convinced they're not going to make it alive I thought he was gonna go in the water and I was eaten by sharks and then we saw the mountain and I didn't think we're gonna make it over and I just knew we were gonna crash into that mountain and then we could tell we could see the airport and then you know that I burned to death because the play blew up when we when we hit the runway suddenly News. ALOHA AIRLINES, FLIGHT 243 BOEING 737-200, N7371I, NEAR MAUI, HAWAII APRIL 28, 1988 History of the Flight On April 28, 1988, an Aloha Airlines Boeing 737, N73711, based at the Honolulu International Airport, Hawaii, was scheduled for a series of Interisland flights to be conducted under Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 121. Investigators try to determine how the airplane structure remained in one piece The critical factor proves to be the precise location of explosion The thing that saved him was that because the damage was across the top of the airplane as the nose tried to bend down these members through here intention and kept them in line and keep them straight So even though it's almost ready to break off the structure is still strong enough here to keep it together If this damage has been along the bottom and the nose is trying to bend down this way the structure would have been this It would have been a compression and would have buckled and the nose will certainly come off so I was fortunate to the damage was across the top How does the roof of a Jetta?
Cruising at 24,000 feet, an 18-foot section of the plane’s roof suddenly ripped off, causing an explosive decompression, creating a gaping hole in the fuselage and sucking a flight attendant …