So if you're thinking about Minotaur I think go with something along the lines of High Alert, Basic Firing Training, Manual AA. 26 Armored Warfare обзор Asashio Analysis balti best cruiser best premium call of duty: wwii chat close pass cum sa dasha perova answers questions how to play minotaur Northern Lights Panzerknacker rounds Rythian Shipmas texas wows Vechz wakatake world of warships fails world warshipw Worldwide wows german battleships wows zao captain skills Developed after the end of World War II from the Neptune-class cruisers. +8 - Mino captain here. As I have been playing WOWS during this year, I have started to be more and more on the fence about the value of "ship modifications" currently in the game. References to specific designs, models, manufacturers, and/or modifications of ships and aircraft are used only for the purpose of historical consistency and do not assume any funding or other involvement in the project on the part of the holders of trademarks. The 27% accuracy of main guns prove my difficulties with aiming in Mino (we won‘t speak about torpedo accuracy here ).Yamato, thus featuring a 57% win rate, just has 14 random battles so far, but an even more disappointing 41k average dmg per game (best was only 97k).You see, I‘m struggling to perform well in both ships, so any help and constructive feedback is welcome as well as your thoughts on the skills and upgrades.Please spare yourself with posts along the lines of „you suck“ or „just train more“ – both is not helpfull at all and I allready know that myself. Unnecessary to follow my skill it's just unreliable guide I have to use Adre.Rush because Basic unlocked weapons. WoWS Stats & Numbers - best online tool for stats browsing and progress tracking for World of Warships. Commander Skills for Light Cruisers. References to specific designs, models, manufacturers, and/or modifications of ships and aircraft are used only for the purpose of historical consistency and do not assume any funding or other involvement in the project on the part of the holders of trademarks. A light cruiser design with a more powerful and sophisticated AA system. Therefore, upcoming games with a mere announcement and no discernible release date will not be included.2020 has a ton to look forward the video gaming world. If you have Jack Dunkirk he gets special skills EM - goes from 0.7% to 1.0% traverse speed JAT - goes from 5% to 10% So for 12 pts me personally PT,JAT,EM,SI and CE, if you get 14pts you could get HA which then drops your Damage control reload by 20% (JAT & HA combined) then add November Foxtrot Signal for extra -5% on reload times. By this I refer to all things that modify the stats of your ship, e.g. Basics of Survivability-15% to time of repair, fire extinguishing and recovery from flooding. UK BB is weakest armor among BB lines and to be easily target I'm planning to use CE later
World of Warships - Asia Language Based Communities World of Warships - Asia Language Based Communities When selecting skills for the captain of a cruiser it is best to focus on two aspects - firepower and agility. Neptune Minotaur USSCA) In unserem Guide zeigen wir euch, welche Skills sich lohnen. A surveillance plane providing bird view would make for a solution, but Mino ain‘t got one.For Yamato, I‘m rather underwhealmed with turret traverse atm, thinking of changing upgrade 6 for AA Mod 2 to compensate and just stick with the 30 second reload.With both ships, I really struggle in random battles to either just survive (mostly I die pretty quick once in focus) or do anything usefull at all.Mino comes with 36 random battles, 22% win rate and a disappointing 45k average dmg per game (max at 99,4k). Rudder shift mod, fire/flooding/AA flags or the 4pt concealment captain…I guess many VR users came across this, like I was, and are on the fence buying it, like I was. Right now I‘m concentrating my efforst on unlocking the legendary upgrades for both ships mentioned in the title as well as finding the proper upgrades and captain‘s skills to round them to a working and sucsessful whole.Captain (17/19 points; 2 not spent) – Priority Target – Adrenaline Rush & Jack of all Trades – Superintendent & Survivability Expert – Concealment Expert & (Advanced Firing Training)Upgrades: – Main Armament Mod 1 – Damage Control Mod 1 – AA Armament Mod 1 – Steering Gears Mod 2 – Concealment System Mod 1 – Main Armament Mod 1Consumables: Damage Control Party – Repair Team – Hydro – Smoke GeneratorCaptain (11/19 points; 1 not spent): – Preventive Mainenance – Expert Marksman & (Adrenalin Rush) – Superintendent & (Basics of Survivability) – Concealment Expert & (Fire Prevention)Upgrades: – Main Armaments Mod 1 – Damage Control Mod 1 – Aiming System Mod 1 – Damage Control Mod 2 – Concealment System Mod 1 – Main Armament Mod 3Consumables: Damage Control Party – Repair Team – Catapult FighterThe captain‘s talents in () are planned so far, but not taken yet because of lack of points.I was thinking of switching Mino‘s slot 6 for additional range, but aiming on max distance is allready rather difficult; especially when shooting from behind islands.