[R] PvE Vexor fit for Low-Sec ratting Basically, I quite enjoy ratting in EvE as a destress after work. Its great when people pick apart and criticize other peoples fits but don't post an alternative fit of their own...Ship setup will change in summer expansion. Posted by. As you can see, the skills needed to fly these beasts can be trained in only a week and a half. And you’ll get it in an area where you can make some money – saves you the risk of having to ship it. Vexor - NSC Ratting. Ratting is based on the principle of finding and killing NPC Pirates (aka "Rats") for the purpose of gathering bounties and loot. If the ship shows up in that range, Comments Be the first to leave a comment for this fit!
Find an object (First rat, or first wreck after you kill one) in space that is close to the rats and orbit that object at 40 or 50 km Goonswarm Federation. Drones are set for aggressive, so they will attack anyone within drone range that attacks you. Before too much longer, the new type of low-sec "tag rats" should be appearing on the Singularity test server.
", the answer ... The most dangerous ones I've encountered yet was the negotiators that had a web equipped (fortunately not the 90% web usually found on NPC's). Because of that I prefer the drop, orbit and roll approach. We want YOU to make ISK, and then we want YOU to spend it all unwisely and get it all blown up, because after all, we are Brave! A small thing but annoying.
Bookmark the site (so you can return for your MTU or drones later). To leave a comment at this fitting you must login! The skillplan can be copied directly into your skill queue. It's an easy fit and lots of people can fly them.
Let’s be fair – to have fun, you need ISK. So how do we make ISK you ask? Need help for a ratting vexor fit.
We are proud with the immediate release of EVE Workbench 1.6.0 which brings you new features and bug fixes. I had to keep expanding out.
I was tired of the new gate jump effect after 3 jumps.
As fitted, with all skills at V and before any boost, this ship has 37.5 K EHP, flies at 584 m/s (745 m/s with AB overheated) and align in 7.9 s with AB on. It has 75mb of drone bandwidth, allowing it to field a mixed flight of medium and heavy drones at a time, and has the drone bay to carry a few replacements or an additional flight of light drones. If you are missing features please let us know using the feedback button, If you like EVE Workbench and you want to support us we have a few options available to do so, check out This loss of direct DPS is compensated for by having a new slot for an extra Turret, as well as more fitting flexibility. And it's agile and survivable, particularly as a dual-prop nano-shield fit. It is recommended to not run forlorn anomalies since they have terrible rat waves. To leave a comment at this fitting you must This page contains recommended fits for each of the four races to use while ratting.
When we hand the ship to you, we will explain to you how to use it and how not to lose it. Make sure to set your drones for aggressive and for focus fire first.
The Impass version uses Minmatar drones and a different resist in the low slot. These badboys can easily do low level anoms, belts and all sorts of madness to make you stone cold cash-ISK.
To leave a comment at this fitting you must login! Then i found ice anoms in 0.0 that didn't have ice belts before. Vexor Navy Issue Volume 112.000,00 m3 (Packaged 10.000,00 m3) Total fittings: 63
And remember – every point of SP that goes into this ship helps in skilling towards other ratting ships to make even more money! I'm currently running a Amarr Executioner T1 frigate (with a few T2 modules) but was looking into it and saw that the Vexor (and the Vexor Navy Issue) were the most used/best ships for ratting. The Vexor is a dedicated drone boat.
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The Vexor fit with rails and an AB to keep range and dictate transversal will be fine for level 2's and level 3's (although, can be tricky). Click on either of the skillplans below to expand them. A drone ship isn't ideal for this type of work, in low sec. Yes it costs more than a Vexor, but you spend very little time in a belt due to instant massive dps and you can still out run all AB frigs and some MWD frigs as you have around 2500m/s or more with heat. Theme images by Jester's ramblings about EVE Online, MMOs, gaming, geek philosophy, and -- very occasionally -- life. And we don't know how tough they're going to be yet. Be the first to leave a comment for this fit! I suspect that SBs will be used a hell of a lot more, specialised or not simply because of the cloaking abilities.This isn't the best, thorax would be preferred for Gallante pilots.
Abbadon21 September 11, … How do you pay for it?! With this release we also think that the project is no longer in BETA phase. Convert EVE Online Time. Comments Be the first to leave a comment for this fit! On top of that, with every rat you kill, BNI also gets richer, which helps us with [insert random propaganda here]. Vexor Navy Issue, Ratting Fit Omega only. Archived. I checked out the test server this evening and saw some interesting things.