Kin’emon ain’t messing with Kaidou but he has no reason to fear a fellow samurai.
Hello everyone and welcome back to yet another theory for your entertainment yet again. The four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are the heralds of doomsday. Furthermore in the biblical texts there are some more possible connections:Kaido & Calamities – The Four Horsemen of ApocalypseOur website uses cookies to improve your experience. Also the Death is some kind of the leader of these four Horsemen. One of the reasons Mongolia is so cold is because of its high altitude, being on mountains n’ all. He is a pretty strong character. He is also a giant grouper fish-man.
Let’s take a closer look to what we can refer from the biblical story to One Piece.Concluding this, we got 3 of the Four Horsemen, which already are totally overpowered. Kaido is the leader of the Beasts Pirates, a crew solely composed of Zoan type Devil Fruit users. What can lead to both? From the East Blue to the New World, anything related to the world of One Piece belongs here! I think Kaido is the biblical character From the Bible we know that Death can’t be killed in any ‘normal way’ – he can only be killed by his own scythe. If Kaido was a dragon, shouldn’t Kin’emon have shown fear against the dragon in Punk Hazard? Remember when I said that Jack and his DF mirrors the Mongol Invasion of the Middle East? Let’s talk about them in detail. He was first briefly mentioned when being notified of Caesar Clown's capture by viewers of Caesar's broadcast of the Punk Hazard incident.
This is why Kaido can’t be killed, even when he should get executed several times or jumped from a Sky Island. If you've just set sail with the Straw Hat Pirates, be wary of spoilers on this subreddit! 1.
He is part of a yet-to-be-identified race that is otherwise considered extinct.
He is also currently considered as the ruler of the region of Kuri in Wano Country. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. The calamities and seven more disasters are said to be produced by wrong teaching.
Fire. If you want discussion, please sort the subreddit by New. First of all, let’s talk about the Jack disaster. Therefore he is all those three calamities at once. The queens and daughters of the Khan were symbolized by a tiger, leading me to think that the ‘Queen’ under Kaidou has a White Tiger DF.Next is the Calamity of Rain(Water) and this one is special. Now then, Jack references the Mongol invasion of the Middle East. Jack the Drought is an All-Star of the Beasts Pirates, one of Kaido's three closest confidants, known as the Disasters, and the captain of the Mammoth. He just don’t know it, that he needs his own scythe. King is a huge man who towers over normal humans, though still being a fair bit shorter than Kaido and Jack, being of similar height to Queen.
One of them is known as Jack and the other two maybe known as King and Queen Disasters. Normally anyone who attacks your homeland are viewed equally detestable right? A little bit of information beforehand if you don’t know the story of the four Horsemen. The betrayal of the Rain Calamity allowed Kaidou’s forces to invade Wano leading a ongoing battle that become the source of Kin’emon’s seething hatred for dragons and pirates.Lastly, are you curious about what dragons and rain has to do with each other? Earlier I said the Mongol Empire used drought and winters as an excuse to invade but it was RAIN that gave them the ability to invade. However, the Mongols defeated the elephants and took their weapons which including shotels, which is the name of the weapon Jack uses.Next is the Calamity of Severe Winters(Earth). I would like it if things were to play out like this.Very good Theory of yours and the one thats most logical to be true in case Of Kaidous Crew.As the 3rd Calamity, representing the Rain, reall has the original Mythical Zoan: Ryu Ryu no Mi, than as a chinese Dragon he has not only control ofer the Rain, but over the Weather itself.And if he really is a Rogue from Wa No Kuni who crossed his Country and allowed Kaidou to take over, than that leads to another possible Theory:Chinese Dragons are always affiliated with Weather in the Form of not only Rain and Water..but THUNDER as well and what Name is affiliated with THUNDER in japanese terms?..Exactly, RAIZOU.If we think about it: Raizou was with Kinemon, Kanjuro and Momonosuke, who were on an adventure outside of Wa No Kuni where he vanished completely when they shipwrecked. These commanders are known as the three Calamities, or the three Disasters of Kaido. The buildings of Zou is a reflection of the buildings of Yemen in the Middle East.Did you know elephant warfare was a primary war strategy in the Middle East?
As we saw in one of the recent chapters, the kids were taught that the Kouzukis were bad persons. Due to a supply of gunpowder, the Mongols raged war upon Europe gaining a seious advantage during the winter, but due to the death of the chieftain Ogedai Khan also during the winter, the Mongols were forced to withdraw to elect a new Khan. We see that Jack is destroying everything just with a wipe of his trunk in his Mammoth form.