tft what to build on champions
The only problem is, as a 5-cost unit she’s much harder to come by.The other Mercenary along with Miss Fortune, GP is a fantastic champ to build your comp around and easily one of the best champions in TFT at the moment.Jhin actually fits into multiple meta comps in TFT, even though Snipers aren’t considered to be one of the strongest comps on their own.Rumble isn’t an incredibly flexible pick in Patch 10.6, but he does slot in as the key carry in one of the strongest comps.Build your custom FanSided Daily email newsletter with news and analysis on League of Legends and all your favorite sports teams, TV shows, and more.Your privacy is safe with us. Titanic Hydra is a solid option if you want to boost his damage.Thanks to the passive Buckshot, Grave’s attacks hit all enemies in front of him, so he can exploit on-hit effect items such as Red Buff, Hush, and Cursed Blade.Titanic Hydra is also an optimal DPS and survivability pick if you can upgrade him to three stars. I knew that it would have required lots of time, so I dedicated several days to write this compendium. Some players prefer Rabadon’s Deathcap, but I consider Morellonomicon a superior choice with this skill as potentially it can have a huge area of effect.The last item slot must be dedicated to survivability: Warmog’s Armor and Guardian Angel are your best options.Garen’s Judgement empowered by Morellonomicon can dominate the early and mid game.Beside that, I suggest building him as defensive as possible with items like Warmog’s Armor, Dragon’s Claw, Phantom Dancer, and Frozen Heart.Gnar possesses a a wonderful transformation and has lots of health points, so you want to focus on his tankiness with items like Warmog’s Armor, Dragon’s Claw, and Phantom Dancer. Rapid Firecannon is mandatory to increase his attack range, and often you want two of them to improve both his damage and survivability.Zeke’s Herald is an optimal choice in the mid game, while Bloodthirster is one of my preferred choice in the late game, particularly if you upgraded him to three stars.Vincenzo is an esports writer with seven years of experience. We name the five best champions in TFT’s current meta that you should be looking to get to 2 or 3-stars, level up, stack items on, and flex your comps around. Stay on top of the meta as Teamfight Tactics continues to grow and develop. We also have a TFT Items tier list here, similar to this article. It is a very high cost spell, so Lulu requires two Spear of Shojin and the attack speed granted by Guinsoo’s Rageblade to spam it.Similarly to Katarina, Miss Fortune must unleash her ultimate to annihilate the opponents, and you need two Seraph’s Embrace to achieve it quickly. TFTACTICS.GG isn’t endorsed by Riot Games and doesn’t reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing League of Legends. Use TFT builder to build your ultimate TFT team comp and pick your desired team bonuses isn't endorsed by Riot Games and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing League of Legends. You May Also Like Red Buff and Cursed Blade are also solid options because his passive Thunder Claws applies on-hit effects.Bloodthirster or Phantom Dancer are more conservative choices for the third item slot if he requires extra survivability.I recommend using only defensive items on Warwick. Honestly, I prefer the former with Rapid Firecannon and Guinsoo’s Rageblade.Later on, you should focus on her survivability with defensive items (Phantom Dancer or Dragon’s Claw) or lifesteal effects (Bloodthirster).Titanic Hydra is also a great option because she will earn a bonus maximum health once transformed thanks to the Shapeshifter synergy.Pantheon is a tough champion with many health points, and he will often benefit from both the magic resistance and the extra armor provided by his Dragon and Guardian synergies. :)All the champions are sorted in alphabetical order, and I have indicated both core and recommended items with images and text explanations.I will update this article also with future champions as soon as we have a precise idea on the best way to build them.Aatrox has a simple item build that focuses on his survivability.