Some have interpreted the reference to “comprehensive” as a desire on NATO’s part to assert a dominant global position or to put civilian organisations under military control.
Bearing this principle in mind, NATO should pursue a policy of engagement with Russia while reassuring all Allies that their security and interests will be defended. NATO also contributes to stability through its open door policy, which has provided important incentives within Europe for democracy, the peaceful settlement of disputes, and respect for human rights. Forty-three years later, this description still fits. Meanwhile, the Alliance has grown to twenty-eight, enlarging both NATO’s capabilities and its commitments. Parrot; 15. As this list indicates, shifting defence imperatives bring with them new needs -- for a transformation in military capabilities, a more sophisticated approach to NATO partnerships, more extensive security consultations, and a more streamlined and efficient Alliance structure.A new Strategic Concept must recognise the urgency of further change while remaining true to the founding ideals that bind the Alliance together and that have earned for it a positive international reputation. A dozen new Allies later, that function has begun to diminish as other purposes have increased. 0000005793 00000 n
However, the job of constructing a fully stable order within Europe is not yet complete.NATO operates as an important pillar of Euro-Atlantic security. Full complementarity between NATO and the EU will be essential if the Allies are to forge a comprehensive and cost-effective approach to security when both are involved in a stabilisation mission. As a result, European national forces generally do not have nearly enough transformed forces.The new Strategic Concept should provide direction for the further transformation of NATO’s defence capabilities. Members of the Collective Security Treaty Organisation and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation have shown an interest in working cooperatively with other multinational entities. 1. Das neue "Strategische Konzept, "unser Kursbuch für die nächsten zehn Jahre", wie es der NATO-Generalsekretär bezeichnete, ist allerdings um einiges konkreter, z.B. In light of the complex and unpredictable security climate likely to prevail through the coming decade, it is not possible to rule out NATO’s future participation in similar (although hopefully less extended) stabilisation missions.
Die Grafik zeigt die Schlüsselelemente des "Strategischen Konzepts für die Verteidigung und Sicherheit der Mitglieder der Nordatlantischen Vertragsorganisation", das am 19. Allies and partners should be alert for potentially disruptive developments in such dynamic areas as information and communications technology, cognitive and biological sciences, robotics, and nanotechnology. 0000006631 00000 n
There should be no question that our future is filled with dangers both known and unknown, but we should neither sell short nor take lightly the foundation for further progress that our predecessors have created.From a security standpoint, the most salient aspect of our era is that events in one part of the world are far more likely than in the past to have repercussions elsewhere.
These challenges could include the humanitarian consequences of a failed state, the devastation caused by a natural disaster, or the dangers posed by genocide or other massive violations of human rights.Less predictable is the possibility that research breakthroughs will transform the technological battlefield.
The fact that NATO troops are now deployed in distant locations is not a departure from NATO’s fundamental purpose.The Strategic Concept adopted in 1999 conformed to the security needs that had arisen during the first decade of the post-Cold War era.
Quelle: Website der diplomatischen Vertretung Deutschlands in der NATO; Das Strategische Konzept wurde am 19. Nach langen Vorarbeiten und intensiven Richtungsdebatten liegt eine Blaupause für die NATO des nächsten Jahrzehnts vor. This calls for a blend of reaffirmation and renovation aimed at creating the optimum mix of old and new.In 1967, a team comparable to today’s Group of Experts was assembled under the leadership of Belgian Foreign Minister Pierre Harmel.