star trek lwaxana troi butler

Additionally, young Alexander had something to teach Lwaxana, reminding his elder of the importance of being true to one's self. A giant of a man at seven feet (2.13 meters) tall, due to a medical condition known as acromegaly (giantism), Struycken is probably most well-known for h… Lwaxana also had a romantic attraction to Constable Odo, the Lwaxana returned to the station in 2371 shortly before the Bajoran She returned seeking Odo's help the following year, after she had run away from her new husband, Jeyal. A giant of a man at seven feet (2.13 meters) tall, due to a medical condition known as acromegaly (giantism), Struycken is probably most well-known for his role as Lurch in the He was born in The Hague, Netherlands, and grew up on the Caribbean island of Curaçao, where he composed a number of Caribbean waltzes. He was "discovered" on the corner of Hollywood and Vine by a lady who, upon seeing Struycken, abandoned her car in the middle of the street and called out to him that he was needed for a movie. The film the woman was speaking of was the 1978 musical Struycken followed his film debut with roles in projects such as the 1980 comedy film Struycken reprised the role of Homn for four more episodes: "In 1988, between his first and second appearance on Struycken had a recurring role as "The Giant" throughout the second season of David Lynch's cult television series While Struycken is famous for playing Lurch in the film version of Struycken appeared as The Giant (AKA: The Fireman) in the series Since then, Struycken has worked with actor-director (and fellow TNG guest star) Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. She was one of the more colorful Federation diplomats, having led a life of both flamboyance and tragedy. Lwaxana often considered Deanna to be "all she had left," and thus was often protective of her, hoping she would find a husband to take care of her.

The many facets of Lwaxana carry on in licensed Star Trek novels, where she’s a hero in the Dominion War’s Battle of Betazed.

Lwaxana had resigned herself to compromising who she was in order to not be alone anymore, and she shared this resignation (without mentioning the specifics) with Alexander. Her complete title is "Lwaxana Troi, Daughter of the Fifth House, Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, Heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed". Upon Lwaxana's return, she seemed eager to keep up the ruse, but Picard graciously returned her to Betazed – at warp 9.

Lwaxana had a larger-than-life and extremely flirtatious persona, which caused severe friction with and embarrassment to her daughter Deanna, of whom she tended to be extremely overprotective. Lwaxana was part of a delegation of four Federation ambassadors visiting Kestra was the oldest of Lwaxana's children. She took refuge on the station, and at once depressed Lwaxana in Picard's arms, after he saved her from TogLwaxana first met Captain Jean-Luc Picard aboard the USS Picard was responsible for rescuing Lwaxana from DaiMon Tog after she was kidnapped by him. He managed this by convincing the Ferengi that he and Lwaxana had been lovers and that the Captain was insanely jealous; going so far as killing anyone who tried to take her away from him. He then asked, with characteristic childlike innocence, "Lwaxana Troi's costumes were regarded as a highlight by Costume Designer Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.In some ultimately unused dialogue from the first draft script of "Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Lwaxana taught Alexander how to have fun, angering both the boy's father and her husband-to-be. Natively, she is a daughter of Betazed's Fifth House, holder of the sacred Chalice of Rixx and heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed. As one of the most colorful figures in Federation diplomacy, the Betazoid ambassador Lwaxana Troi has led a life of both flamboyance and tragedy. (In addition to her string of marriages, Lwaxana has also had numerous dalliances and flirtations with various others. She called Alexander her "little warrior." Deanna often felt that she was the parent while Lwaxana was the child. Lwaxana had a larger-than-life and extremely flirtatious persona, which caused severe friction with and embarrassment to her daughter Deanna, of whom she tended to be extremely overprotective.