First of all, it should be said that Spotify doesn’t allow you to delete your songs in bulk.
(I will try it on Windows later and tell you how it goes there).I have a chromebook laptop and ctrl + a doesnt seem to work for me. I would like to remove all my songs from my liked songs playlist. Hey, this might not help but sometimes I find that if I've liked a song on an album, the whole album adds to my liked playlist. (Check the gif below). This absolutely does NOT work. I have over 5000 songs and would like to start fresh and not spend hours doing it one by one. How do I remove liked songs from the liked songs playlist!The easiest way to do that is from a desktop app (if you have access to a computer). The answers I've found describing how to do it say to go to the "songs" folder in the left panel, but I don't have anything that just says "Songs" in the left panel. Operating System. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. In the past, there was a very convenient option in the desktop version where you could just click on a random song, hold down Ctrl + A and then hit the delete button on your keyboard.Unfortunately, that option is long gone, but you can still give it a shot if you haven’t updated your Spotify in a while.The majority of users won’t be able to do this, though. I need to remove some of my liked songs, but some of them were Local Files that have now been deleted, so it won't let me un-like them, does anyone know how to fix this?You won't be able to rigt-click delete Liked Local Files. You have to CTRL/CMD+A, scroll down and repeat, scroll and repeat. I would like to delete/unlike all my liked songs at once. If you want to remove them, you need to revoke your like for each one per time. Then you just select all the songs with CTRL+A and hit Delete. It is NOT possible to select all songs in my 'liked/saved' list.Have you tried with the Spotify app on desktop? Please help.I've encountered another problem trying to remove songs. You can do this by selecting all songs (Ctrl/Cmd + A) and then right-clicking and deleting them. Removing all Liked Songs at once can be done on Desktop only. Actually, there is no way to delete, in one click, all your liked songs on the mobile app. I've encountered another problem trying to remove songs. Removing all Liked Songs at … share. macOS 10.14 . The easiest way to do that is from a desktop app (if you have access to a computer). When I try to unlike the song I get a message saying "let's pretend that never happened". Help others find this answer and click "Accept as Solution". Please could you advise how I can delete all 5000 songs that have been added to my "Liked" playlist. If you're unable to mark all songs, can you give us a screen recording of what exactly is happening? Been trying to clear my liked cache all day and nothing works. Please help. Hey there @sayn0thing,. Help others find this answer and click "Accept as Solution". You can find more info about this here. Hey all, Thanks for getting in touch! Maybe check your album saves and remove them from favourites, should remove a few songs at a time. Device. Then you just select all the songs with CTRL+A and hit Delete. We use cookies to give you the best online experience.
By using our website you agree to our use of cookies in accordance with our cookie policy.Removing all Liked Songs at once can be done on Desktop only. You removed a great song lol but yeah I have that same thing but even after I remove it, it still plays Not true.
if you have a big library, it's not possible to select all the songs at a time (tried this on Mac). Thanks for posting about this! However this does not select all the songs either. It seems to have added all the albums I've previously saved to my library in the previous client version (by using the "Save Album" button). Keep in mind this method doesn't select all the songs either, but it's a faster way to mark more tracks at once. You can do this by selecting all songs (Ctrl/Cmd + A) and then right-clicking and deleting them. Hi recently I made a spotify account and transferred all my music from apple music to the new account but apparently something went wrong and now I got 9k+ liked songs on my account, how can I delete all the liked songs at once so I can start over? Removing all Liked Songs at once can be done on desktop only. Help others find this answer and click "Accept as Solution". Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. 3 comments. The latest update seems to have added a "Liked Songs" list and it seems to have auto-added around 4000 songs to it. This is unrelated to my question. I have over 5000 songs and would like to start fresh and not spend hours doing it one by one. On mobile you have to do that one by one by clicking the 3 dots menu on the song (or press hold the song), then on the top you will see a (Green Heart icon) Liked, tap this and the song will dissapear from your library. From now on, when you click the ️ icon, it will save that item in your Liked Songs playlist (if it's a song) or your Albums section (if it's an album).