sett jungle probuilds

Blitzcrank Sejuani Poppy Nunu e Willump Ranqueado Solo E E Xin Zhao Ranqueado Solo E W Tryndamere Q Q Rek'Sai W Jarvan IV Ivern

Sett Malzahar Sona Patch 10.15 Q Veigar Q Udyr E W Kayn 76% Atuação em Abates 155 CS - 10.3k Ouro recebido 52% Atuação em Abates Q

Varus 117 CS - 8.9k Ouro recebido Jax beishang © Copyright 2013-2020 Yorick Plex 71% Atuação em Abates

W Shen LeBlanc Ahri Syndra Plex 179 CS - 11k Ouro recebido Ezreal W E Gragas Alistar Rammus As Sett, we generally want to be focusing on doing a quick first clear from Red > Blue > Gromp (or Blue > Gromp > Red if Red side) into a gank if possible, then we can pick up the Rift Scuttle, into either another gank, or clearing the opposite side of the jungle. Jax Rek'Sai 150 CS - 10.9k Ouro recebido W

126 CS - 10.3k Ouro recebido
Todas as regiões

Runes for Sett in League of Legends S10 (2020) We present you the best options with all the suitable keystones for season 10. Q Ranqueado Solo Irelia Grig

Tuesday Irelia Q Skarner Taric


Gnar Rengar Twisted Fate

Sett is a bruiser who lets his fists do the talking. Ucal Kog'Maw

Hyoga E