seiko service center

Our local partners, whom you can locate from this world map, play the key … Include your contact information and a brief description of the service you require, or the issue with your watch. Wir helfen Ihnen gerne!Tut uns leid. The Watch Lab offers a comprehensive Service+ programme that ensures your watch is given the care and attention required to last a lifetime. A dial restoration is a more specialised job that requires the dial to be dismantled and then slowly built back together, providing the original colour, finish and decoration to the dial.If you have a scratched watch glass, or a cracked or smashed watch crystal, then we can offer a high quality replacement fitted by trainined technicians. On my return from holiday last week I picked up my repaired Omega Seamaster from the Post Office Depot and all seems to be well with it.Thank you very much for your help and service in this matter.The manager at your dept in Guildford was able to repair and get going a pocket watch which another company could not repair.Great service and expertise. Please provide all required information. Does it no longer fit your wrist? Center Name Address Tel; Seiko Watch Corporation: 26-1, Ginza 1-Chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-8118, Japan: 0120-612-911 (free dial in Japan) +81-3-3564-2111 (outside Japan) Contact Form . Jede Uhr wurde in Hinblick auf Zuverlässigkeit und Langlebigkeit entwickelt und hergestellt.Wir garantieren einen kostenlosen Reparatur- und Einstellservice bei Defekten an Uhrwerk, Gehäuse und Metallband, sofern die Uhr wie in der Bedienungsanleitung beschrieben verwendet wurde.

Clasps can become strained and damaged over time, leaving them loosely fitting or unable to close correctly.

Come and visit us at your local Lab today for a free assessment, along with an estimate of the cost.This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website.We have a network of 20 Labs from Glasgow to Southampton. Hiermit erkläre ich mich einverstanden, dass meine in das Kontaktformular eingegebenen Daten elektronisch gespeichert und zum Zweck der Kontaktaufnahme verarbeitet und genutzt werden. Einzelheiten zu Ihrer Uhr entnehmen Sie bitte der Anleitung, die Sie zum Zeitpunkt des Erwerbs Ihrer Uhr erhalten haben.Richtlinien für die Ganggenauigkeit der Grand Seiko während des Gebrauchs:Die Ganggenauigkeit mechanischer Uhren variiert von Tag zu Tag geringfügig, abhängig von den verschiedenen Bedingungen. Customer Service Department Tokyo: 2nd floor, … Beim Senden Ihrer Nachricht ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.Wir sind Ihr zuverlässiger Partner für Ihre SEIKO Uhren Reparatur!CHRISTBAUMSTÄNDER REPARATUR, REVISION, WARTUNG & SERVICENOMOS GLASHÜTTE REVISION REPARATUR SERVICE & WARTUNGFREDERIQUE CONSTANT REVISION REPARATUR SERVICE WARTUNGMAURICE LACROIX REVISION REPARATUR SERVICE & WARTUNGUNIVERSAL GENEVE REVISION REPARATUR SERVICE WARTUNGOFFICINE PANERAI REVISION REPARATUR SERVICE WARTUNGJAEGER LE COULTRE REVISION REPARATUR SERVICE WARTUNGZENO WATCH BASEL REVISION REPARATUR SERVICE WARTUNGGLASHÜTTE ORIGINAL REVISION REPARATUR SERVICE WARTUNGGIRARD PERREGAUX REVISION REPARATUR SERVICE WARTUNGDUBEY & SCHALDENBRAND REVISION REPARATUR SERVICE WARTUNGDie Uhrmacherei Boxberg ist auf die Revision und Reparatur hochwertiger Armbanduhren spezialisiert und der richtige Partner zur Wartung Ihrer SEIKO Uhr.Die Uhrmacherei Boxberg ist auf die Revision und Reparatur hochwertiger Armbanduhren spezialisiert und der richtige Dienstleister zur Wartung Ihrer SEIKO Uhr.Unsere Uhrmacherwerkstatt wurde, neben verschiedener Uhrenhersteller, durch den Zentralverband für Uhren, Schmuck und Zeitmesstechnik zertifiziert. Sie belegen zu dem unseren optimal eingerichteten Maschinenpark sowie unsere ausgezeichnete Werkstattausstattung.Möchten Sie Ihre SEIKO reparieren lassen beraten wir Sie gerne. Our Heritage The ... Home Support Customer Service Centre. Friendly, courteous, and knowledgeable, Anthony was superb from start to finish.

We would advise not to send the original box in with your watch as we cannot guarantee it's return. Your local Lab can carry out ultrasonic cleaning on your watch, called a mini-valet, cleaning and sanitising your watch by removing dirt, grease and oxidisation.A watch’s dial or face is the most visible part of the watch and therefore if it is damaged or discoloured – whether due to age, water damage, or a knock or drop – then it has a large impact on the watch’s appearance.

We also offer free assessments and estimation of costs to offer additional peace of mind.

Quartz and mechanical watch types from high-end brands are crafted with intricate parts, delicate components and specialist materials, which should be professionally handled by trained technicians who have the right expertise in watch care and maintenance.The Watch Lab offers a comprehensive valeting service that is suited for all types of watch including popular brands such as Tag Heuer and Omega. Each of our technical experts are trained to the highest possible standards, and are experienced in both mechanical and quartz watch movements.When a watch is brought into one of our Labs, the movement is first assessed to identify the most cost-effective process for you.

Our workshop employs dozens of professional watch technicians and is equipped with the highest quality tools for all types of watch repair. ], [S.A.] oder [S.A.]* gekennzeichnet sind. It will prolong the life of the watch components – so that you have more longevity from your watch.Since 1881, Seiko has been at the forefront of innovation within the watch industry. If parts are discontinued or unavailable we … Warum? As such, it is used on all the top-end brands.