There are single use travelcards with tickets valid 75 minutes, 24 or 72 hours.Place your travelcard or SL Access card on the card reader at the automatic barriers in the Metro and at the commuter train stations, the blue card readers on board the buses or the blue cardreaders on poles placed on tram and light railway stops as well as at some commuter boat jetties.It is always cheaper to buy prepaid tickets and the longer the period of validity of the ticket, the cheaper it will be. Search for journeys with SL and other companies in the Stockholm County. Uncertain time {{travelResult[$parent.$index +'_' + $index + '_' + group.JourneyProduct + '_' + departure.LineNumber].EndStation.Name}} {{departure.LastObservedArrival}} Nearly all tickets are loaded on an SL Access card, which is an electronic smart card. The Stockholm Public Transport Agency is responsible for operating the trams, commuter trains, underground trains, buses as well as a few of the ferry lines that are in operation in the Greater Stockholm region. {{realTimeResult.LastUpdate}} The train has arrived {{item.Name}} {{travelResult[$parent.$index +'_' + $index + '_' + group.JourneyProduct + '_' + departure.LineNumber].Error}} The sign denoting pendeltåg stations is a J. Uncertain time {{price.Name}} {{item.Name}} Stockholm is a visitor’s dream when it comes to public transportation. No major deviations Price for single journey ticket could not be calculated. The trip is also a cheap way to experience a part of the water that makes Stockholm special. There are tickets and travelcards for short and longer periods of time.
You can either bring your own bike or hire one at a rental station. However, this is essentially a very expensive means of transport.
Discount fare* There are several light rail lines that run to more isolated suburbs or offer shortcuts between different parts of the city, while there is also one tram line. Walk and bike path
The SL smart phone app is a convenient way to buy certain tickets. The Traffic Administration Office Box 8311 104 20 Stockholm Phone: +46 8 508 27 200 E-mail: Visitors should strongly consider purchasing a 72 hour or weekly Access Card ticket, which offers unlimited ride access to all modes of public transportation and makes getting to anywhere in Stockholm and easy and inexpensive process. Discounts and free travel for children. {{travelResult[$parent.$index +'_' + $index + '_' + group.JourneyProduct + '_' + departure.LineNumber].EndStation.Name}} The train has arrived Travelers who want to get from one destination to another quickly often choose this method. {{departure.LastObservedArrival}} {{departure.LastObservedDeparture}} The train has left {{fromName}} In order to travel with the SL services you will of course need a ticket. {{item.Name}} Stations. While travelling at night, women can ask for special discounts as there are many operators who offer the same.Since the Stockholmers pay extra attention to their surroundings and strive to keep it beautiful, the transport system in the city is slowly switching over to an eco-friendly mode. Walk and bike path Taking the Metro and Bus From the heart of the city to deep into the suburbs, the public transportation network, Stockholms Lokaltrafik (SL), is the most common way to get around. The system operates from about 0500-0030 on most days, and all night on Friday and Saturday nights. The train has arrived
Let us take a look at the various options that the city offers with regards to exploring the region on the local transportation network. Please take this into account when making your The smartcard carrier for your ticket and travelcard. Jump to Latest Follow 1401 - 1406 of 1406 Posts. Please note that the discussion was closed to any additional postings as of Nov 1, 2016 {{departure.LastObservedArrival}} Uncertain time Commuter parking. {{departure.DisplayTime}} This route operates between Skansen and Norrmalmstorg while passing major attractions on Djurgarden along the way.
{{eventItem.Deviations.length}} {{deviationsText(eventItem.Deviations.length)}} Separate tickets are needed to travel with other companies than SL.These are the major planned service changes for this summer.Everyone must help in containing the spread of coronavirus. {{price.FullPrice.Amount}} {{price.FullPrice.Currency}} {{travelResult[$parent.$index +'_' + $index + '_' + group.JourneyProduct + '_' + departure.LineNumber].Error}} For trips on the city's abundant waterways, there are passenger ferries and excursion boats into the archipelago on the Baltic Sea side and into Lake Mälaren. {{group.InformationMessage}} Slussen is an excellent spot to see trains moving in and out of the main rail station.