Podcasts are considered "mixed media", i.e.
Listen to Connect Podcast on Spotify.
Don't know if that is put on a big pile of other requests, so I really encourage anyone that has the same problem to contact Yamaha as well.When it comes to the 'not Spoty Connect certified' it's not true, as suspected. Mobile and tablet. Seems to be a Musiccast problem; anyone else having this problem and maybe found a mitigation?
Re: Can't play Podcasts over Spotify Connect with Yamaha Musiccast We use cookies to give you the best online experience.
I have the same problem, and is really disappointed in this.
How it's then possible to stream podcasts with Sonos and Alexa (and I now read other units in other posts, e.g.
I hope to hear from them soon. Ask or join our Community!With Spotify Connect, you can listen on speakers, TVs, and other devices using the Spotify app as a remote.For more help connecting Spotify to different devices, check out:Still got premium. This issue should be solved via a simple software update, but I have the feeling it will not be that easy.
So they recommended me to contact Spotify support and hopefully if enough of us request it they will implement it. I also contacted Yamaha about this. Under Browse All, tap Podcasts.
Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. According to Libsyn's official podcast ‘The Feed' , they're currently accounting for around a 7% slice of the ‘total podcast … Conversations with the key players leading the change in the finance and banking industry on how they tackle innovation.
I was in contact with Yamaha support, and they simply said that it's Spotify Connect that does not support podcasts, only music.
Re: Can't play Podcasts over Spotify Connect with Yamaha Musiccast
Hi, I cannot play Spotify Podcasts through Spotify Connect with my Yamaha Musiccast units. This time I got the following answer: 1.
I hope this helps.For all who may have this problem. Re: Can't play Podcasts over Spotify Connect with Yamaha Musiccast Re: Can't play Podcasts over Spotify Connect with Yamaha Musiccast By using our website you agree to our use of cookies in accordance with our cookie policy.Can't play Podcasts over Spotify Connect with Yama...Can't play Podcasts over Spotify Connect with Yamaha Musiccast audio and video and therefore cannot be played by audio only devices. Select a podcast to view its page and all available episodes. Pick your device below to find out how to use podcasts on Spotify.
Since jumping into Podcasting game, Spotify's Podcast section has swiftly risen to second place behind iTunes/Apple Podcasts as the most popular place podcasts are consumed.
This podcast will consistently blow … I cannot play Spotify Podcasts through Spotify Connect with my Yamaha Musiccast units. If you don’t see yours there, you can check with the manufacturer. For me, it's just ironic (provided it's correct) that not even Spotify's own support is aware of the actual list, and it just proves how ignorant they are not only to these forums and their paying customers, but also to their own support staff.
Check out Spotify Everywhere for compatible devices. The problem is definitely on Yamaha side. Find and play.