one piece enel mond

More Details. The Space Pirates were unable to stop Enel and were all easily defeated by him. He then melted part of his gold statue and molded it into a giant ball around Luffy's arm. Due to a lack of resources, they set out for the blue planet When they discovered Enel planned to destroy all of Skypiea, they turned against him and helped the people from Angel Island get to safety.As she watched her home being slowly destroyed by Enel's powers, she wondered if there really is a God. In battle, Ener is a force to be reckoned with. If anyone dared to speak out against Enel or challenge his list of commandments, he would shoot a giant column of lightning down from the sky to effectively eliminate the dissenter. Welcome to r/OnePiece, the community for Eiichiro Oda's manga and anime series One Piece. Before he can do so, however, Lieutenant Spacey (towing his comrades' bodies behind him on a sled) rushes up to him and thanks him for avenging him and his comrades' father. He has two ultimate attacks. This gave birth to the citizens' sense of crime and made them feeble and weak.

Dann kam er auf Enel zu. So kann er tausende Blitz ausschicken, um ein ganzes Land zu vernichten.Zudem besitzt Enel ein sehr gut ausgeprägtes Mantra, womit er fast ganz Skypia überwachen kann. They were his strongest followers and, short of Enel himself, the greatest threat to the Other than the priests, Enel had 50 warriors called the Enforcers under his command.

He found it on a cloud and planned to bring it with him to Fairy Vearth, and he then created an even larger Luffy then moved to attack Enel, and the God responded by transforming into his 200,000,000 Volt Amaru form. Enel then studies a series of wall paintings, and realizes that the original First Lieutenant Spacey regrets his desertion in the face of the enemy Until they arrived for the Judgement, the inhabitants of Skypiea were responsible for guiding them there.

Enel possesses incredible physical strength, having easily caught an out of placed giant gold gear of the Maxim ark and put it back with one hand. Wyper then reached Enel and held his Enel was unsure why Nami wanted to bring her Waver with her, but let her do so. By comparison, most of the other priests could only keep track of people nearby. Dies kommt davon, dass er einen Gott-Komplex hat. Enel began his attack on all of the Space Pirates for destroying his ark. Though Luffy landed a few more hits, Enel successfully anticipated and stopped him before powering up the Ark Maxim. Meanwhile, over at the area of the explosion, three more Space Pirates are converging, planning to excavate the moon for its treasures. Enel wields a golden staff and is adept at using it, dealing powerful strikes to his opponents with it. Conis and the rest of Skypiea witnessed Luffy completely destabilize Enel's attack. Cancel Unsubscribe. Centaurworld.

Enel then sees a huge explosion in the distance, and is angered by the destruction of his beloved vearth. Es war Which is pretty neat when you live in clouds) To this end Ener is constructing a flying ship: MAXIM (using Gan Forr's followers as slave labor) to reach it. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

Enel from the anime One Piece. Skrupel hat er dabei vor nichts. TV Shows. ↑ a b One Piece-Manga - Die Stimme der Insel (Band 32) - Kapitel 298 ~ Ruffy über Enel. With these, Enel established a new empire on the moon with the automata as his followers.Due to the fickleness of translating katakana, his name was variously romanized as His title of (and obsession with being) "God" has also faced various changes in English translations, as religion has long been a controversial topic in America:

Enel störte dies jedoch und er erledigte sie mit nur einem Angriff. Diese hat er von der Donner-Frucht, einer Logia-Frucht erhalten, welche ihn zu einem der mächtigsten Menschen macht.

Today we have seen another one of those great crossover that mix our dear Pikachu and Enel from One Piece.. Also mussten die anderen die Ranke fällen, was Enel jedoch verhindern wollte. In the end, however, all four of them were easily defeated. He took Otama hostage, but he was unable to keep up with Luffy’s speed and she was snatched away from him. It's not uncommon to see how it is join anime franchises to make crossovers with very varied materials, be the fusion of Zoro with other series or an incredible armor that crosses Pokémon and Monster Hunter. TRY 30 DAYS FREE.

Watch all you want for free. A time when men must do what men do! Enel fliegt zum Mond! Enel gleefully noted that Luffy could only get away from the trident by falling down, and Luffy did do this, but managed to grab onto a cloud and pull himself back up. After his defeat by the Straw Hat Pirates, he became the central character for Enel's Great Space Operations Cover Page Serial, and after arriving at the moon, he became its new ruler. Seeing Luffy miraculously negate Enel's Raigo, Wyper cheered on Luffy further to ring the bell. Enel is a pale-skinned man with a well-toned yet somewhat wiry build,Enel takes to wearing a simple but sumptuous-looking ensemble, matching his "godly" self-image. This sash upholds a dark-turquoise (a lighter blue in the manga) fabric around his waist that forms a sort of wraparound skirt, draping over the back and in the front, where it slightly overlaps, forming a large divide to show off Enel's pants below. Studying the paintings - the winged moon people of ancient times In einer FPS gibt Enel ist nicht nur ein sehr selbstbewusster Mensch, sondern auch extrem überheblich.

The above info came from Zephos, and was edited by Ener has a goal of reaching the "fairy Vearth" a place where there's endless Vearth.