Having noticed his daughter's ambitions as well her new warmongering and bloodthirsty behavior, Odin, who had finally realized that peace is the true way to unite the Realms, was forced to fight Hela when she massacred anyone who tried to oppose her and attacked her own father. Thor and Loki defiantly refuse before the former throws Mjølnir at Hela, but unfortunately, she catches the hammer and destroys it instantly with her bare hands before adjusting her headdress. History Talk (0) Comments Share. After her freedom, she immediately conquered Asgard and Heimdall himself said that she was so power-hungry that if she could access the Bifrost Bridge, she would conquer all of the Nine Realms and even all the Cosmos. Imprisoned in Hel for millennia by her father Odin, Hela was released from her prison in the wake of his death and went to restore her power over Asgard, while simultaneously engaging in a series of encounters with her younger brothers Thor and Loki.
Hela first send out Necroswords to kill some of the Valkyries and then engaged the remaining Valkyrior Warrior Maidens and overpowered them all,killing almost all of the Valkyries. After her father died, Hela victoriously escaped. Hela taunts Thor that even with his full power, she is too powerful to defeat and that she's willing to hunt down and kill all the remaining Asgardians to complete her goal. She rips his webs apart and her spikes make this a mismatch. She is portrayed by Cate Blanchet and first appears in Thor: Ragnarok. When she displayed her overwhelming power, she asked Hogun, who survived her initial onslaught if he was willing to change his mind. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Hela has standard gear. When Loki proposed a truce, she sarcastically stated he sounded more like Odin. We are currently managing 22,597 articles, and we could use your help to make many more. Hela proved that Odin was wise to imprison her, rather than let her rule Asgard during peacetime. Wonder if Peter is now somehow planetary.But they can definitely beat MCU Strange he is too slow he only has peak human reaction time at best so he would get blitz and one shotted by either comic Spiderman or PS4 Spiderman.Hela one shots 10 times. After Odin had his memories wiped and was sent to Midgard by Loki he began to near the end of his lifespan. I mean Ronan with the power stone could destroy a planet and tanked a moon busting explosion. Hela can easily kill PS4 Spidey though. She easily defeated him, shattering his hammer and sending him spiraling out of the bifrost, teleported to an alien planet. Odin then personally entered Hel and was able to overpower Hela and re-imprison her, but save for Brunhilde, the leader, all the Valkyries perished in the battle. The only time she shows mercy is when people agree to serve her or do not stand in her way. She rips his webs apart and her spikes make this a mismatch. However, Hela lacks attachment and will kill anyone who betrays her, even Skurge without hesitation. There is no contest and this is a mismatch.I didn't even play the game or watch the cut scenes and I can already say that Hela wins based on the fact that she is F**koff stronger than PS4 Peter since she is stronger than Thor and the fact that most Spiderman incarnation outside of comics rarely surpasses 50 tons in strength. Hela was the first-born daughter of Odin and Frigga. But what gave Hela the victory here is what was mentioned earlier: versatility. Queen Hela Odinsdottir, also known as the Goddess of the Death,formerly known as Princess Hela, is a character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. She would proceed to singlehandedly lay siege to and defeat the armies of Asgard. But thanks to Hela's arguably greater durability and power to generate basically infinite projectiles she could outmatch Baldur's melee-focused combat style and attain victory. Even her title makes her sound like a force to be reckoned with. With Hela and with her forces vanquished for good, Thor (taking over as the new King of the Asgardians) decides to build a new Asgard for his fellow people on Earth. A furious Hela then orders Skurge along with her troops to take down the resistance so that she can use Hemidall's sword to activate the bridge and proceed with her plans. Odin's firstborn. Hela possesses all of the various superhuman attributes common among Asgardians. Hela was quite content to rule over a dead nation of dead soldiers completely loyal to her as she would conquer more worlds. However, as the years went by, Hela start to develop her ambitions and powers to a degree that would grew beyond Odin's control. Wonder if Peter is now somehow planetary. Forgoing all civility, Hela then demands her brothers to bow down before her and acknowledge her as their new queen. This allows both Thor and 142 to stab Hela in the chest and send her down into the river before escaping with Hulk, Loki and the other survivors. However, it was evident that she still felt a high level of betrayal from Odin due to her imprisonment, for she was quickly angered by the concealing murals that displayed only Odin, Thor, and Loki, as well as his peaceful conquering of the Nine Realms. Hela Odinsdottir was the main antagonist of the 2017 Marvel film Thor: Ragnarok. However, Odin dies of old age after being found by Thor and Loki in Norway, but not before he tells them about the existence of Hela to them.
Beware, this Wiki contains spoilers for all Marvel Cinematic Universe related media! Thor and the survivors then all watch as Surtur fully thrusts his sword to destroy Asgard, killing himself in the process. She has no impressive strength feats.If Peter doesn’t have to kill Hela, he incaps her. Odin was ultimately convinced that he himself must personally intervene, having apparently been convinced after apparently waiting for the Valkyries to return that Hela is too much for them. Her spikes could pierce uru armor they are going straight threw Peter. Mcu Hela vs PS4 Spider-Man Avengergamer676.