Die Juan Carlos I, vormals als Buque de Proyección Estratégica bezeichnet, ist das Flaggschiff der spanischen Marine. The derivative is classified as a "Light Aircraft Carrier/LHD" by Turkish Lloyd. Januar 1938 in Rom als Juan Carlos Alfonso Víctor María de Borbón y Borbón-Dos Sicilias; die deutsche Form Johann Karl I. ist im Gegensatz zu historischen Monarchen ungebräuchlich) war vom 22. Juni 2014 König von Spanien. 卡洛斯一世號兩棲攻擊艦 (zh); Spanish ship Juan Carlos I (en); Juan Carlos I (L61) (tr); フアン・カルロス1世 (ja); Juan Carlos I (ca); خوان كارلوس I (ar); Juan Carlos I (id); Juan Carlos I (pl); «Juan Carlos I» (nb); Juan Carlos I (nl); Хуан Карлос I (uk); SPS 후안 카를로스 1세 (ko); Juan Carlos I (es); Juan Carlos I (fi); Juan Carlos I (gl); Spanish ship Juan Carlos I (en-ca); Juan Carlos I (cs); Juan Carlos I (ru) vaixell d'assalt amfibi (ca); Buque de asalto anfibio tipo LHD (es); navire de guerre (fr); Espanjan laivaston lentotukialus (fi); amphibious assault ship (en); Okręt desantowy (pl); 西班牙海軍兩棲突擊艦 (zh); nave d'assalto anfibio (it) L61, L-61, Buque de Proyección Estratégica, Juan Carlos I, Buque de Proyeccion Estrategica (en); SPS Juan Carlos I ; L-61, L-61, L61, L 61, LHD Juan Carlos I (es) Planning to upgrade the navy's amphibious fleet began in 2000, based on Australian experiences leading the International Force for East Timor peacekeeping operation. Multi-functional garage and hangar space on two levels covers 6,000 mConstruction of the 231 m (758 ft), 27,000-tonne ship started in May 2005 simultaneously at the Navantia Shipyards in Following a lengthy design contest that pitted the design against the similar but smaller French Navantia will provide design, technology transfer, equipment and technical assistance to Sedef Shipyard of Turkey for the design and development of However, the Turkish Navy later changed its plan and opted for a fully equipped flight deck with the ski-jump ramp in front, after deciding to purchase The final contract for the construction of the ship was signed with the Navantia-Sedef consortium on 7 May 2015.The construction of an identical sister ship, to be named TCG Navantia will provide design, technology transfer, equipment and technical assistance to Sedef Shipyard of Turkey for the design and development of TCG Anadolu (L-400), a modified Turkish derivative of the Juan Carlos-class LHD. 1 Milliarde Dollar zu kaufen. Combat system will be integrated by Aselsan and Havelsan. He also had a younger brother, Alfonso. Juan Carlos I on the Ria of Ferrol. Aircraft composition: Upload media Wikipedia: Instance of: amphibious assault ship: Named after: Juan Carlos I; Item operated: AV …
Auch nach seiner Abdankung trägt er auf Lebenszeit den Ehrentitel König. The new vessel plays an important role in the fleet, as a platform that not only replaces the For the first time in the Spanish Navy, the ship uses The complement of the ship is around 900 naval personnel, with equipment and support elements for 1,200 soldiers. The Turkish Navy variant will be built in Turkey by Sedef and feature Turkish command and control systems.
Pure combat: 25 AV-8B/F-35B + 6 flight deck parking spots Mix: 11 AV-8B + 12 NH90 + 6 flight deck parking spots Juan Carlos I. Amphibisches Angriffsschiff der türkischen Marine.Das Schiff soll 2021 in Dienst gestellt werden. Es wurde nach dem ehemaligen spanischen König Juan Carlos I. benannt und kann als Mehrzweckkriegsschiff sowohl in der Rolle eines Flugzeugträgers wie auch eines amphibischen Angriffsschiffs eingesetzt werden. Es ist baugleich zum spanischen Marine-Flaggschiff Juan Carlos I.. Geschichte. A landing helicopter dock (LHD) is a multipurpose amphibious assault ship which is capable of operating helicopters and has a well deck. ... French Navy's Mistral class and ships of the Spanish Navy's Juan Carlos I class including those designs based on the class, such as the Royal Australian Navy's Canberra class. Im Jahr 2013 wurde in der Türkei der Beschluss gefasst, einen Hubschrauberträger mit einem Auftragsvolumen von ca. On the evening of Holy Thursday, 29 March 1956, Juan Carlos's younger brother Alfonso died in a gun accident at the family's home Villa Giralda in Estoril, on the Portuguese Riviera.
[xwaŋˈkaɾlos] (* 5. English: Juan Carlos I (L-61) is a Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) ship of the Spanish Navy. In December 2013, the Turkish LPD/LHD pro… The Canberra class is a ship class of two landing helicopter dock (LHD) ships built for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Die TCG Anadolu ist ein geplanter Flugzeugträger bzw.
Spanish ship Juan Carlos I amphibious assault ship. Brother's death. November 1975 bis zum 18. Juan Carlos has two sisters: Infanta Pilar, Duchess of Badajoz (1936–2020); and Infanta Margarita, Duchess of Soria (born 1939). Español: El Juan Carlos I (L-61) es un portahelicópteros de asalto anfibio (LHD) de la Armada Española.