Updated: Jan 15 (Wed), 2020. Legacy … Düsseldorf, Tonhalle Düsseldorf, 18.02.2020. Mar 13 (Fri), 2020 - Mar 14 (Sat), 2020 Royal Festival Hall, Southbank Centre, London, United … Please see the notice below for details: [Concert Cancellation Notice] Kodo “Legacy” Performance on Mar. Velika dvorana „Balansirajući između smrtonosne agresije i potpunog spokoja, zvuk Kodo trupe proteže se od najlakše kišice do kataklizmičke grmljavine, od tišine do zida zvuka, visokog, zastrašujućeg i nesavladivog kao planina.“ The Guardian . Since their formation in 1981, Kodo have given no fewer than 5,800 performances in 49 countries around the world. 18 (Wed), 2020 Katowice, Poland. read more . Although every effort is made to ensure the correctness of information published on JaME, this website may inadvertently contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. “Kodo One Earth Tour 2020: Legacy” Mar. Ich hoffe, ich kann auch für nächstes Jahr wieder ein Ticket für die Tour 2019 schnappen. This performance was canceled. Legendarni japanski bubnjari Kodo vraćaju se korijenima. Kodo: 18/03/2020 @ The Polish National Radio Orchestra (NOSPR) … Share Tweet. “Kodo One Earth Tour 2020: Legacy” Mar. Preserved Traditions Rousing, Resonant Taiko Herein Lies the Essence of Kodo “Legacy” is based on the core repertoire that Kodo has upheld for almost half a century, since the days of its antecedent group, Sado no … Follow Kodo on I’d like to personally invite you all to join us at the theater to experience our sound in person.Taiko is a simple instrument: if you beat it, it makes a sound. Soul-Stirring, Resounding Kodo. New show Legacy combines some of their best-loved pieces and new work, which concentrates on the infinite possibilities of their sensational drumming. JaME is a multi-lingual information website and database about Japanese music. 350 kn. Exploring the limitless possibilities of the traditional Japanese drum, the taiko, Kodo is forging new directions for a vibrant living art-form.“Legacy” is based on the core repertoire that Kodo has upheld for almost half a century, since the days of its antecedent group, Sado no Kuni Ondekoza (1971-81).This powerful work focuses on preserving Kodo’s unique “DNA” by drawing on the iconic form found within classic Kodo pieces and carefully sharing the essence of those traditions with the next generation.Honed through extensive tours in 2018–2019, under its Japanese title “Michi,” we are excited to share this program in Europe for the first time in early 2020!All tour dates have been announced. 250 kn. 350.00 kn. 13 (Fri) & 14 (Sat), 2020 London, United Kingdom “Kodo One Earth Tour 2020: Legacy” Mar. Sunday U 20:00. No two are alike.Naturally, the sound reflects things like the physique, age, and background of the individual who beats the drum.So, when people who train everyday to hone their expression through kind of instrument, the sound they create jolts people on instinctive level, beyond the possibilities of any language.“Michi,” centers around the repertoire that we, Kodo, have upheld for almost half a century since the days of our antecedent group, Sado no Kuni Ondekoza.While preserving some of the classic artistic elements that are “quintessential Kodo,” we will also lay cornerstones for brand new creative activities moving forward.To uphold classics simultaneously means to change, and that requires supple bodies and thinking.We seek the true essence of the classics we uphold, treasuring the journey along the JaME assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this website or other websites that are referenced by or linked to this website. Düsseldorf, TONHALLE DÜSSELDORF, 06.03.2018. Kodo bieten einen unvergesslichen Abend mit … No article published on this website is used for commercial purposes. Kodo - One Earth Tour 2018: Evolution. Main hall. 300 kn. However, the sounds and echoes that resonate from this instrument are intricate and diverse. 13 (Fri) & 14 (Sat), 2020 London, United Kingdom. 250.00 kn. Tickets. Share 2 Tweet 1. Organizer: Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall. Performance Details Schedules All Performances. 18 in Katowice, Poland . Should the user of this website wish to inform JaME of any inaccuracies or errors found in any part of this website, please contact the JaME team via the contact form.JaMEは日本の音楽を専門とした多言語の音楽情報とデータベースサイトです。当サイトに掲載されている記事は営利を目的としておりません。JaMEに掲載される情報の正確性には最大限の注意を払っておりますが、故意ではない技術的な誤りや、誤字脱字がサイト内に含まれている可能性があります。JaMEがリンクしている、またはリンクされているサイト上にある誤りや見落としに対してJaMEは一切の責任を負わないものとします。JaMEのユーザーの方で掲載内容の訂正や修正のご希望がある場合は、コンタクトフォームより当サイトの担当チームまでご連絡下さい。JaME © 2004-2020 Japanese Music Entertainment - All Rights Reserved
Kodo one Earth tour 2020: Legacy Japanska bubnjarska senzacija!