The XP accumulator is then reset.
The real barricade to completing this collection appears to be allowing WG and Amazon to share their datamining of your online activity by linking Twitch and WG accounts.
The collection drops a t7 premium crate with a guaranteed chance to drop a currently available (I think just currently available, so Belfast is out) t7 premium ship that you do not have in your inventory.
Posted by. I finished 3 missions of the european event opened IDK about 15 or so of those containers, open at least 2 sometimes 3 normal daily containers and only got 1 King of sea collection cards. Win!" 3 months ago.
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Jump to: To log in, select the region where your account is registered Contains an element of the new Bad Advice (Cap and Fish) collection. Collected (or pre-typed) containers can be opened at any time: On the Containers screen click the Open Container button. lol [CMFRT] Every collected daily container has a small chance (~1.5%) to become a Super Container. Rarely, a Port Slot may be awarded in any of the above except More Resources containers. The Port Slot is awarded in place of, not in addition to, other contents.Super Containers hold much more valuable rewards than standard containers. If a captain accumulates 1000 unopened containers, adding more will cause the oldest containers to be opened automatically. This is one of the collections that you can't get from daily containers. Strike! King of the Sea. Obtained by … At the beginning of the next day, uncollected containers are automatically collected and randomly typed (Try Your Luck cannot occur randomly). British aircraft carriers event.In support of the Victory event that introduced Russian battleships.In support of the first half of the French Destroyers event.In support of the second half of the French Destroyers event.In celebration of the World of Warships 4th Anniversary. Along with a brand-new Premium Ship and other in-game goodies, the team has earned the right to fly the exclusive King of the Sea Flag. But the more WG does this sort of stuff; i.e. They dont drop from any other containers or daily crates and the KOTS containers are received from missions and stream codes.
For the purposes of these containers, a 'day' is the 24-hour period (usually) beginning and ending at 3:00 AM local time.
39. Am I that unlucky or are others having same luck? Possible contents include: Bad Advice.
You have to acknowledge on website that you want to participate in KOS and then you can achieve 4 boxes play The team will have to win the next King of the Sea tournament or lose the flag.The flag will only ever be given to 12 players on the entire EU server. Strike! The winning team needs to defend the title on a monthly basis to keep the flag.Have we piqued your interest? Events may introduce special, limited-time types of containers. 13 comments.
Even with getting all the boxes you can and magically not getting a single duplicate, you need to wait for the next one in 6 months anyways to get the other half of the collection, also hoping you dont get any duplicates. In support of the first half of the Italian cruisers event. Containers can be collected from a variety of sources, including: ... That would be relevant, would there still be anyone left thinking WoWS had a shot at being an E-sport. You have to opt in on the article on the WoWS site here ( Newly earned daily containers are not yet typed. The more valuable the item (e.g. One of the following can be obtained: XP from battles is counted at the time the battle ends. Pumpkin-like containers are traditional elements of celebrating Halloween.Black Friday containers are coming to the game! Many contain items for a specific In celebration of the World of Warships 3rd Anniversary:Up to five awarded for the Great Eight mission chain. If a container includes a Premium ship that the player already possesses, it is replaced by another randomly-selected ship. Note: Containers are earned by modified XP, not by base XP. In Celebration of April Fool's Day 2020.
You need to play a total of 5 battles to post in this section. When three or more typed containers accumulate, the option to open them all simultaneously is offered. Duplicates are exchanged at a 1:1 rate, so you will be able to complete the collection in two seasons provided you get all 8 crates each season. Close. Players are able to collect up to three Daily Containers per day by earning XP in battles. Maybe a dumb question but how do you get those containers? However, this flag comes with a catch. [CMFRT]