java while(true alternative)

That the two may be similar in your case is merely a coincidence, logically they are two separate conditions. » Uninstall About Java The Java while Loop. and poll(100) will just wait for 100 ms and continue execution.

It could look like this. In this case, the break becames lost in the middle of the source. This loop will always be executed at least once, even if the condition is @SLaks: assume the initialization of "foo" needs something more than one line (by example, init a Java PrinterWriter, BufferedStram, is usually done using more than one "new" statement). One is the condition of processing, the other is the condition of staying in the loop. The Java while loop is to iterate a code block for a given number of times till the condition inside a loop is False. In this case, the break becames lost in the middle of the source. Just call take instead of poll if you want to block while the queue is empty. Chaque thread consommateur est en boucle, la vérification d'un message s'affiche dans la file d'attente et de la traiter.Le Producteur est en train de mettre des messages à l'intérieur des Consommateurs files d'attente de messages à un rythme rapide (plusieurs millions de messages par seconde). Same in this case:It seems strange something so common has no good implementation.

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Private self-hosted questions and answers for your enterpriseProgramming and related technical career opportunities@biziclop: condition "foo != null" must be duplicated. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Free 30 Day Trial Une certaine sorte de sortir le drapeau est souvent utilisée pour contrôler le thread en cours d'exécution.Pas, en soi, pas. Free 30 Day Trial Thead.onSpinWait was introduced with Java 9. false, because the code block is executed before the condition is tested:The do/while statement creates a loop that executes a block of code once, Infinite loop means a loop that never ends. The Overflow Blog eine programm das eine queue regelmäßig abarbeiten soll zb. C'est typiquement J'ai l'habitude d'aller avec un attribut de classe boolean appelé "terminé", puis le fils exécuter les méthodes de ressembler àVous pouvez ensuite définir done=true pour tuer la boucle. I have one thread that's producing messages one by one and putting them in the correct consumer's queue. So, isn't poll(100) better than take?Use LinkedBlockingQueue for the messageQueue and it wil be thread safe, no need for the lock or synchronized block above.

before checking if the condition is true, then it will repeat the loop as long Interested in saying a lot while writing a little? while (true) { while (messageQueue.peek() == null) { Thread.onSpinWait(); } // do something with the message } By invoking this method within each iteration of a spin-wait loop construct, the calling thread indicates to the runtime that it is busy-waiting.

Il est préférable d'avoir de la résiliation de la condition sur la Mais peut-être que vous vous dites à propos de ce qu'il devrait aller à l'intérieur de la boucle.

@Clocker - try it yourself, but yes, I believe a busy wait would use 100% of one CPU core.using take will keep waiting for the message to come right? The while statement continues testing the expression and executing its block until the expression evaluates to false.Using the while statement to print the values from 1 through 10 can be accomplished … Vous pouvez toujours en liberté sous caution à l'aide de Le problème est ce qui se passe quand votre fils n'a rien à faire? peek == null) {Thread. So make sure to use Depends on the definition of "bad". As long as getSmthUgly isn't too ugly, this might be the best solution.ok, it is probably the best, another problem happens when init to "foo" needs more than one statement.Nice to known the first part of a "for" can be used only to declare a local variable, without init. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and If the condition is something more complex, or is a call to another function, it could be a problem. That may make it less readable.This mentality taken to the extreme results in the COMEFROM keyword. Qui peut le rendre moins lisible.Cette mentalité est poussée à l'extrême les résultats dans le COMEFROM mot-clé. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled Although all the above answers are correct, I want suggest this one as I came across this situation myself: Si vous venez de faire une boucle autour et autour de la vérification d'une condition, votre thread va manger toute la CPU ne rien faire. Summary: This tutorial shares examples of the Java ternary operator syntax.. » Do I have Java? If the condition is false, the Java while loop will not run at least once. If you're waiting for some other event in the system, use wait() or join() or the higher level tools in java.util.concurrent. Java+You, Download Today!. löscht man … Maintenant, vous avez juste besoin de faire en sorte que lorsque vous ajoutez quelque chose à votre messageQueue vous pouvez appeler … J'ai un thread qui produit des messages un par un et de les mettre dans la bonne file d'attente du consommateur. Cela signifie que la personne en essayant de lire le code est à chercher ailleurs pour la raison que la boucle se termine. Converting While Loop To For Loop; While(true) Statement In Sockets Programming; Send Message To All Connected Clients; Infinite While Loop; Sending Name Of Client To Server And Server Repeats It Back. » Need Help?