For more information click Horizon Go turns your device into a TV so you can watch your favourite shows or movies anywhere in the home. Sign up below to get access to the rest of this article and all the telecom news you need.Every day we send out a free e-mail with the most important headlines of the last 24 hours. By adding tag words that describe for Games&Apps, you're helping to make these Games and Apps be more discoverable by other APKPure users.
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Copyright © 2014-2020 APKPure All rights reserved. If you see a comment that you believe is inappropriate to the discussion, you can bring it to our attention by using the report abuse links. © 2000 - 2020 Telecom.paper BV. We have been keeping professionals in the telecoms industry up-to-date since 2000. *Important* This app is compatible with most Android devices running OS 5.1 or above. Nem akarlak elkeseríteni, de a Horizon Go nem támogatja az android tv-t. Fel tudod telepíteni rá az alkalmazást, de mivel hdmi kábelen megy ki a kép nem pedig saját képernyőn (pl. The application allows viewing content on many devices and outside the home. | For optimum operation, this website makes use of cookies. All rights reserved. Telecompaper is a well respected, independent research and publishing company focussed on the telecommunications industry. You can also watch some channels whilst out of the home, and such content can also be viewed in other EU countries (provided the user has a subscription from a Cable TV provider in the EU). UPC Poland will newly offer its Horizon Go application also on devices with Android TV and Amazon Fire TV. The app does not support rooted devices. mobil telefon) ezt ő megosztásnak értékeli és ezt hibaüzenetként fel is dobja miközben letiltja a képet. As the comments are written and submitted by visitors of the Telecompaper website, they in no way represent the opinion of Telecompaper. UPC Poland will newly offer its Horizon Go application also on devices with Android TV and Amazon Fire TV. The app does not support rooted devices. We welcome comments that add value to the discussion. the expressed permission of Telecom.paper BV. *Important* This app is compatible with most Android devices running OS 5.1 or above. We use cookies and other technologies on this website to enhance your user experience. Telecompaper is a trademark of Telecom.paper BV. Horizon Go turns your device into a TV so you can watch your favourite shows or movies anywhere in the home.
The application allows viewing content on many devices and outside the home. We attempt to block comments that use offensive language or appear to be spam, and our editors frequently review the comments to ensure they are appropriate. Szia! No part of this site can be reproduced without