Le design Getty Images est une marque de Getty Images.Trop d’images sélectionnées. Gerhard Schroder is Chancellor of Germany from 1998 to 2005.https://www.alamy.com/istanbul-turkey-december-17-german-politician-gerhard-schroder-portrait-on-december-17-2008-istanbul-turkey-gerhard-schroder-is-chancellor-of-germany-from-1998-to-2005-image260518583.htmlBundeskanzler Gerhard Schroeder - Tag der offenen Tuer im Bundeskanzleramt am 27.
NICE, FRANCE, EUROPEAN SUMMIT.EUROPEAN SUMMIT NICE 2000.11/12/2000.U99B11https://www.alamy.com/gerhard-schroderchancellor-of-germany-nice-france-european-summiteuropean-image63719138.htmlPresident Milos Zeman gave the Order of White Lion to Slovenian President Borut Pahor (left), former German chancellor Gerhard Schroder, Vienna Mayor Michael Haupl and three soldiers on Czech national holiday in Prague, Czech Republic, October 28, 2017.
2009 2003 2003 Schröder with... Vicente Fox. He served as Federal Minister of the Interior from 1953 to 1961, as Foreign Minister from 1961 to 1966, and as Minister of Defence from 1966 until 1969.
22, 2012 - West German opposition leader Gerhard Schroder and Chinese Premier Chou En Peking 1972.https://www.alamy.com/mar-22-2012-west-german-opposition-leader-gerhard-schroder-and-chinese-image69538671.htmlGerman Chancellor Gerhard Schroder, US President George Bush, EU Commission's President Manuel Barroso, Alpha Oumar Konare of the African Union and the president of Senegal Abdoulaye Wase (from L to R) walk over to the terrace for the family portrait of G8 Summit in Gleneagles, Scotland, Friday 08 Jhttps://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-german-chancellor-gerhard-schroder-us-president-george-bush-eu-commissions-53723760.htmlGerhard Schröder, SPD, at the election 2005, in Bonn Germanyhttps://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-gerhard-schrder-spd-at-the-election-2005-in-bonn-germany-92792268.htmlInterview in his office in Berlin - Unter den Linden 50. Gerhard Schröder (76, SPD) spricht im Bundestag – doch diesmal als Kreml-Lobbyist. Login-Icon für eingeloggte und Community active UserLogin-Icon für eingeloggte und Community inactive UserDARUM unterstützt Israel Libanons Bevölkerung trotzdemSie haben Javascript für ihren Browser deaktiviert. The world's most powerful leahttps://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-dpa-german-chancellor-gerhard-schroder-r-enjoys-the-company-of-russian-53723792.htmlhttps://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-election-poster-with-gerhard-schrder-spd-96526196.htmlInterview in his office in Berlin - Unter den Linden 50.
Explore Tim Reckmann | a59.de's photos on Flickr.
.. Dr. Ludwig Erhard and Dr. Gerhard Schröder at Palace received Soestdijk, starting at Soestdijk Palace Date: March 3, 1964 Person Name: Erhard, Ludwighttps://www.alamy.com/prof-dr-ludwig-erhard-and-dr-gerhard-schrder-at-palace-received-soestdijk-starting-at-soestdijk-palace-date-march-3-1964-person-name-erhard-ludwig-image342534227.htmlgeography/travel, Germany, politics, government, 5th Federal Cabinet 14.12.1962 - 16.10.1963, meeting, Palais Schaumburg, Bonn 19.12.1962, chancellor Konrad Adenauer (bell), Gerhard Schröder, Hermann Höcherl, Ewald Bucher, Walter Scheel, Heinrich Krone, Hans Globke, Rainer Barzel, Werner Dollinger, Richard Stücklen, Werner Schwarz, Rolf Dahlgrün, Wolfgang Mischnik, Hans Lenz, Alois Niederalt, Elisabeth Schwarzhaupt, Bruno Heck, Paul Lücke, Ludwig Erhard, minister, politicians, Federal Republic of Germany, 20th century, historic, historical, people, 1960s,https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-geographytravel-germany-politics-government-5th-federal-cabinet-14121962-18832172.htmlGERHARD SCHRODER CHANCELLOR OF GERMANY 02 November 1998https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-gerhard-schroder-chancellor-of-germany-02-november-1998-136569890.htmlFormer Germany's Federal Chancellor Gerhard Schroder gives press conference in Moscowhttps://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-former-germanys-federal-chancellor-gerhard-schroder-gives-press-conference-31196900.html27.05.2017, Fussball DFB-Pokal 2016/17, Finale im Olympiastadion in Berlin, Eintracht Frankfurt - Borussia Dortmund, Kanzlerkandidat Martin Schulz und Ex-Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder (re, beide Deutschland). - Altkanzlerin-Gattin teilt SEHR private Fotos.