flamu wows smolensk

This is typical "WG ninjanerf ships after all CCs reviews have come out to just Fu**k with their constumers" tactics. That one shows the nerfed ship with 13,5km firerange. It will let you pen some heavy cruisers, but that's about it.

Removed the first couple of minutes as the server kept getting overloaded when we tried to start the battle. Gameplay wise I'll try something like Flint probably for a start, just a bit farer away, then I will see what works best for me. Better dispersion - seems like, Smolensk already has DD dispersion (is it supposed to have it?). I think Notsers from 2 month ago is the most relevant. I was thinking about LS aswell. - Last Stand: Flamu said, Smolensk loses rudder and engine to HE all the time.

Was about to say the same thing.

The latest video i can find on youtube is 2 months old, and im pretty sure the ship has changed since then. Since we already have a Smolensk topic, ill just jump in see what you guys are thinking: - Last Stand: Flamu said, Smolensk loses rudder and engine to HE all the time.

If anyone knows of an up-to-date review of smolensk, would you link it please?

I'm seeing some 200k dmg games that make 500k profit, which seems low

I think I will just be using my Grozovoi captain on it.. 19.2km confirmef! That one shows the nerfed ship with 13,5km firerange.

Was about to say the same thing. Jump to: To log in, select the region where your account is registeredNo boost to continuous damage in a reinforced sector.The enemy is alerted that a bearing has been taken.

Added to that, you dont have a CV in every battle anymore. Thought I try it out, otherwise Groz captain for sure. Assuming Range mod wasn't removed somewhere during balans process. Captain will be from Chapa (usual RuCL built) or the one from Tash/Ochotnik (not so typical as I have CE there), may respec as it is free now. But Hydro mod desyncs the Since we already have a Smolensk topic, ill just jump in see what you guys are thinking:

19km is too much for those shells. I will likely use my RU gunboat captain, PM-LS-BFT/SE/SI/DE-AFT But with AFT and module you can get this up to 19.2km (which I will be rockin)

I think Notsers from 2 month ago is the most relevant. Max 18km for me is enough.

Feels like, both are kinda useless, so i still might take the Dispersion mod. Thats interesting actually, i was considering giving up ce for demo expert for the meme firestarting potential That one shows the nerfed ship with 13,5km firerange. But with AFT and module you can get this up to 19.2km (which I will be rockin)

You need to play a total of 50 battles to post in this section. I was thinking about LS aswell. So I doubt the play style or captain spec recommendations for it would of changed since those reviews.

Smolensk is a powerful light cruiser at Tier X, comparable in many ways to the British Tier X cruiser, Minotaur.They are both equipped with rapid firing low-caliber guns mounted in turrets with extremely quick traverse time.
That one shows the nerfed ship with 13,5km firerange. I think Notsers from 2 month ago is the most relevant. 19km is too much for those shells. Added to that, you dont have a CV in every battle anymore. Is it worth the 4 points and fire chance reduction?

- 3rd slot?

I think I will just be using my Grozovoi captain on it.. Since you requested it. The torps seemed to surprise a few people though, some didn't realise it had them and got caught out but it was not, yet, the OP HE cruiser it originally seemed, time will tell but I suspect really good players will do really well, us mortals will probably die fairly quickly.
Assuming Range mod wasn't removed somewhere during balans process. Ill use my Kutu Captain (atleast for now) with PT - AR (LS?)

Will be doing Community Battles tomorrow on … From the NA forum where they have it now. It still has 16 Stalin approved 130mm guns that fire petrol soaked rounds for extra fire chance and has smoke. From the NA forum where they have it now. So essentially 10 minutes of whining, that in order to have 20km range, you need to pick 4point skill. What is the credit making potential compared to the other coal ships around that price?

Having only 15-16 km range puts you in such a harms way it will be hard to disengage in time to survive I think. Plenty of them on NA today, looked like you needed to be pretty highly skilled to make it work though. Cant say or remember if there were some changes after the last time we tested her. It will let you pen some heavy cruisers, but that's about it.